Serious mass weight gain powder

I'm not the OP, but I have tried Serious Mass powder. Except, mixed with half & half, not water.

I do NOT recommend Serious Mass. Not unless you like something you can't drink and wasting money.

The result was a mix that was SO thick, it was almost undrinkable. You just know that mixing it with cream will make it even harder to drink.

The cost is also extremely high for what you get. $20 for 4 servings, or 8 scoops worth. So, each scoop is about 625 calories.

You would be much better off purchasing Ensure Plus, which has 350 calories in 8 fl. oz. and tastes a lot like chocolate milk, and is just as easy to drink. Ensure Plus, as expensive as it is, would still be a better value. I should note both Wal-Mart and Kroger have their store brand knock offs which are much cheaper than Ensure. Those product names are Equate Plus and Fortify Plus, respectively.

You can even mix it with half & half, or cream with success, creating something that tastes a bit like melted milkshake yet with many more calories.

Of course, none of these mixes really have a lot of carbs, which really help and are essential for gaining.

If you really do want a powder you may be able to mix into a shake, or even cooking, you can order pure maltodextrin online. I'm not sure what kind of shops would stock that regularly. Oh and it'll be much cheaper than any of these mass gain powders.

The little bit of Serious Mass I do have left, I will probably mix with water so it won't be a complete waste, but I don't think I'm getting it ever again.
4 years

Listing fictitious weight

For whatever reason there might be, some users don't want to answer. But, the web site requires you to answer.

Thus, as a workaround, some will list one of the extremes. Whether it's 100 lbs when pictures show they weigh much more than that, or 800 lbs., the highest setting on the web site.

Yes, there have been documented cases of individuals who weigh 800 lbs or even more, but they're exceedingly rare. So rare in fact, I'm skeptical anytime someone actually claims to weigh that much.
4 years

Planning it out

If there's anything I've learned, there's only so much you can really do to plan.

I have several thoughts about your plan, so I hope you read this entire post. It's good to think about it, but I think you may be going about it the wrong way, and not considering some important issues.

The proposed diet you came up with seems very ambitious, as well as lacking variety (if you really do intend to do that every day). You'd likely get bored of it, quickly. Or you might burn out quickly.

Also, I'm sorry but, it also reads more like a dream you've had than something you can keep up day after day. Take that shake for example.

In that shake, you call for a pint of half & half, and two scoops of Serious Mass? I've actually tried that, although the ratio might have been closer to a quart and two scoops. The result was well... not good. The taste isn't bad, but it's extremely thick. The viscosity wasn't as thick as honey, but it was thicker than barbeque or tomato pasta sauce. It was very difficult to suck through a straw. When I figured out how long it took to suck down the small amount that I did drink, it wasn't all that many calories. It was a pretty disagreeable experience, quite unlike a milkshake that melted a bit. I ended up saving it for leftovers, but could never bring myself to drink the rest of it over the next couple days. I didn't even add peanut butter, like you propose to do.

Then you want to make it even thicker and more undrinkable by adding peanut butter to it? I'm sorry, but I don't see how that would work. Aside from the sheer expensive cost of Serious Mass, it would be a terrible deal if it cost a quarter as much.

What's far easier is to use those nutritional shakes, like Ensure Plus, which is 350 calories in 8 fl. oz. Ensure Plus is also costly, but it's a far better deal than Serious Mass and most other gainer powders. Also, Kroger has a store brand (Fortify Plus) and Wal-Mart has a store brand (Equate Plus), both of which have just as many calories, vitamins, etc. but cost far less. There's also something called Boost VHC with 530 calories in 8 fl. oz., but it's very costly for only a few more calories, and this calorie advantage is largely rendered moot with the suggestion in the next paragraph.

Also important is that not only can you drink such nutritional shakes like they're almost nothing (the chocolate flavor tastes almost like chocolate milk), but they also mix very well with half & half, or heavy cream.

If I mix a bottle of Equate Plus with a cup of heavy cream, it tastes a bit like melted milkshake though with perhaps half of the sweetness. Yet it has as many calories as the largest milkshakes at fast food joints with double the volume. And very importantly, is that unlike that rather undrinkable mix with Serious Mass, you can stick a straw in this mix and suck on it almost mindlessly, while playing video games, watching TV, working on the computer, or driving a car. You may even be able to put it into an insulated cup and use it in public while running errands.

Yes, the key thing to do is to ensure it's more calories in, than out. But most importantly, it needs to be consistent. A one off stuffing of 4, 5, or even 10K calories is not going to make a large difference in the big picture, especially if it ruins your appetite the next day which, through the concept of averages, meant all those calories you ate the day before ended up being for 2 days rather than 1.

I also don't see how you could consistently eat 9K+ calories a day. You almost certainly won't be able to the very next day, if your previous diet was around 2K calories a day.

There's an old saying, and it's that Rome wasn't built in a day. I think that's what applies here. Maybe making small, incremental changes is what will help it stick, even if the overall process may be slower. For example, a 1.55 oz. Nestle Crunch bar is around 230 calories. If, in addition to what you're normally eating (assuming it's enough to prevent you from losing weight), you eat three such chocolate bars daily, that's an extra 4,830 calories a week. It takes about 4,000 additional calories to gain a pound. Some say it's 3,600 because of water retention, others say it's 4,083 because that's the calories in 454g of fat. Both are true to a degree, but the human body isn't perfectly efficient so 4,000 seems like a good guideline.

Developing habits that cause weight gain should also make it more likely to stick. This isn't the easiest thing. Hell, even I haven't quite gotten there yet though I'm slowly getting there. But ultimately, you want to develop eating habits you don't even think twice about.

I wish I could give you better advice on how to establish such eating habits.
4 years

Overcoming that full feeling

For the most part I have to agree with this.

For example in my case, I have recently discovered chocolate cream pie, and Oh My God is it divine! Now I want it for dessert at dinner much of the time.

So far, I could only eat a quarter of the pie at once, but I could easily see at some point I will need 3/8's of the pie, then half, then 3/4's, and then the entire pie. I'm not however, sure how long it will take to build up to that point.
4 years

I think my roommate is making me fat

Are you sure about that?

There may be a few things you can try to be sure. if her eyes light up when you ask for seconds, or when you rub your belly after eating.

It does seem like a lot of extra trouble, since I don't usually hear about housemates doing that.

Do you hang out with her, socially? If so, does she seem to get a little too excited if you suggest getting something to eat? Then seems a bit too overjoyed if it's a larger amount of food or if it's calorie dense?

Just some thoughts I have.
4 years

Decent high calorie snacks

Dunno if you've got them where you are but these private selection brand lemon bars are like 400 calories per bar and they're like handheld size or less and they're p tasty too. A whole pack of those (4 come in a package) and a glass of half and half to wash it down would def do the trick

By the way, Private Selection is a store brand exclusive to Kroger, so that's just to say where one might go to get them. It's decent stuff, so it's in no way lower quality or anything like that.

Alas the OP is in the UK, where I'm fairly sure Kroger doesn't operate, so this is for reference for anyone else reading.

Although I'm sure there's lots of bakeries in the UK that make this sweet stuff, hopefully even at a good price.
4 years

Admirer to gainer?

You may as well roll with it and see how it goes.

But a very similar thing happened to me!

I think a LOT of feeders develop some feedee/gainer tendencies and gain some weight themselves. Partly it's due to a typical lack of any other outlet for this, but when you're around so much delicious food, you're going to sample it and likely get sucked in. There's a reason why the saying "never trust a skinny cook" exists.

I started off with loving chubby/fat women, and formerly thin women who gain a substantial amount of weight. Of course, I still do, but like you I got curious at some point.

See, the thing is, it seemed like gainers/feedees have a lot of fun. I wanted to see what that's all about. About a couple years ago, I finally gained the courage (no pun intended) to do it. I started off with a modest goal of 10-15 lbs. I loved it, but it didn't seem like enough, so I set more, higher goals and kept going. 2 years and about 40 lbs later, I only want to gain even more! I'd like to gain an additional 40 lbs, at least.. likely much more. In fact, more and more I think I'd like to double my starting weight, where my thighs will be at least big around as my waist once was. I'm not sure where I'd like to stop, but I know it's much larger than I am now.

I get thrilled and even turned on when I see the number on the scale go up, and ever larger numbers on the tape measure.

I've also noticed and experienced what seems like an increase in confidence. Just something about being more massive. More and more flesh, and it's all me!

Here's another thing I've noticed too. As I've gained more weight, it seems like my desire for large or gaining women (or at least doesn't mind getting fat for me) has only increased. It now seems more important than ever now. Very thin women seem even less desirable to me now than ever before. So, it's likely a good thing the U.S. is getting fatter every year.

I also notice I both want and need more food, and I crave fattier, and more calorie laden/dense foods. If it's fatty, sweet, and/or loaded with carbs, I want it. I don't even want a salad unless it has creamy dressing and cheese on top. I also notice I actually enjoy eating and mealtimes now, when before it was mostly just a means to an end. And who couldn't use a bit of joy every day?

If anything, I actually get sad when I start to feel full, because usually I want to keep eating.

I even developed a fantasy where after I get married, I'd like to go on a cruise where both of us will hopefully gain 1-2 lbs a day for 2 weeks!

Of course, there have been a few factors at play:

- At one time, I really was far too thin, even by non-feederism standards. Eventually, I got sick of this.

- In the U.S. and virtually all of the western world, there's no social advantage of any sort, in virtually any social setting for a man to be skinny.

- Almost every couple I've seen with a fat woman, the man is large as well. This could however be a function of where I live. I've only lived full-time in the Midwest and now Texas. It's reasonable to thus believe it will be easier to date fat women if you yourself are fat.

- There's still a bias in minds of many (not necessarily all) women where she wants a man who's larger and heavier than she is, or at least somewhat close. e.g. A "typical" 250 lb woman would be more likely to go out with a man who's 220+ lbs than someone who's only 140.

- The more I can eat, the more she may feel free to eat and gain weight as well.

So I guess, it didn't cause a switch to a different role, but if anything has been an enhancement, as well as provide an additional source of pleasure.

The only real downside so far is a larger clothing expense, but that's to be expected. Other large expenses are potentially possible, such as only certain office chairs or only certain cars, but you'd have to gain a LOT of weight before that even begins to be a problem, likely much larger than most folks will ever get.
4 years

Body weight influence the amount one can eat?

So far I've observed that as my weight increases, I'm usually able to regularly eat somewhat more. I'm talking about regular meals, not one-off occasional stuffings.

Although the amount doesn't seem to be way more. I suspect I would have to gain much more. I hear about 250 lb men who regularly need two entrees at restaurants, for example.

I still struggle a bit and still have to make myself eat much more. Just have to remember the more I do it, and the more weight I gain, the more I'll be able to eat!
4 years

How much do you want to gain?

Over time, I've come to realize that the short answer is that...

I don't really know!

But that's not a satisfying answer, so I'll elaborate. While I set small goals, the thing is so far, every time I got close to reaching a goal I end up setting another, higher goal because it doesn't seem like enough!

Every time I gain more, so far I have only want to gain even more. To be able to eat more, to take up more space, to feel more substantial.

My current near term goals are 170 and then 200, with 220 after that. But I suspect I may want to get to 250, maybe even 270. Guess I'll find out!
4 years

Macaroni burrito?

I have never heard of that before. But I also haven't heard of sprinkling breakfast cereal on top of ice cream until I heard about that, either.

But perhaps it's not such a stretch, since breakfast burritos stuffed with scrambled eggs are a thing.

Was this something he (she?) came up with himself?

I would be very surprised to see this on any restaurant menu anywhere, and I suspect most members of the general public might think, even express mild disgust if briefly, much like most eating challenges (e.g. eat a 28" pizza in 1 hour, or Hwy 55's burger with 55ish oz. of beef to eat in 30 mins.), but then just go on with their lives.

However, since I want to gain weight, and a lot of it, but even if I wasn't (I seem to enjoy more foods in general, at least heavier and richer food since gaining some weight), well...

... this idea sounds like it would be absolutely divine! Of course, in my opinion anyway, at some point it should be tried with bacon bits inside.

I'm always looking for more fun ways to increase my appetite and gain weight.
4 years