Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

MollyRen wrote
Moonchild wrote

Behaving morally toward fat women is the same as behaving morally toward all women (actually, all people, for that matter). Be open and honest about your preferences. Don't push your preferences on anyone. Never see anyone as more object than subject. Consider their health and safety (I reiterate that this is not merely for fat people, but for all people).

More applausesmiley
13 years

Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

MollyRen wrote
therapyballer wrote
i don't think it is, i have heard it based on a saddist view point of finding pleasure in the opposite sex losing restraint and control to as their body is damaged;

I think you mean "sadist", right?
13 years

Do any of you ffas fantasize about having man who is so big he needs help taking care of himself

Gettingfatter wrote
It's nice to know there are FFAs that would actually want a guy to get to the size they're talking about. I've always thought that if I ever meet the right feeder, I'd love to explore being so enormously big with her. If that meant that she'd want me to be so fat that I'd too big to (insert action/situation here), so be it.
It turns me on hugely ,but reality and fantasy are two different things.I would love to gain to that extent; BUT it would have to be when in a relationship with someone I loved and who loved me and who wanted me to be like that situation I would really go for it..otherwise it remains a fantastic fantasy,but an impractical and unachievable one for me alone.I agree,it's good to know that there are some FFAs out there who would like thatsmiley
13 years

New years resolutions

Just get fattersmiley
13 years

Being recognized!

Xandra wrote
I've had people say cryptic things to me that made me wonder before. But I'll tell you, if anyone of you ever sees me in real life and recognizes me from here, just say so. Announce yourself. I'd love to go out to lunch and talk feederism over with a peer.
If you ever take a vacation in the UK,let me know and I'll be lookingsmileylol smiley
13 years

Gaining "coming out"

Maximum wrote
tubbydude91 wrote
A bit of a random question, but has anyone actually went public about gaining and if so what were their reactions? I ask this because today I just told my mom that I wanted to be fat. I was little nervous because I wondered what her reaction would be but she was understandable about it which made me feel good and actually I can now gain without feeling ashamed about it.

This is pure awesome, If I knew people would react like that i'd shout it to the world and prepare to gorge myself obese! smiley
Same heresmiley
13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

Thank you Weesha,I SO loved your have a great,dry and sarcastic sense of humour..what you wrote was so true and yet so funnysmiley
I hope a few men on here sit up and take note...though I suspect most of us are too dense to appreciate what you wrote.smiley
13 years

Being recognized!

It would be great if it happened..wouldn't bother me at all,but like CanadianEnglish,statistically,the chances must be slim (unlike me lmaosmiley)
13 years