Fat girls with skinny boyfriends/fat men with skinny girlfriends

I love aggressively skinny men - properly angular, not just slim. I don't think it's anything to do with the contrast to me, it's just a preference. Luckily it turns out that some of them like the more curvaceous girl... and I kind of like it when they want to keep themselves lithe and toned but prefer the opposite in me. Something about the mental duality of that is interesting.
12 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PaulUK wrote:
I've got up to 20st.. I will continue gaining as long as I remain happy with the rresults. So far I'm over the moon with my results!

Can we see?
12 years

From skinny to fat

I second LadyEjkua. Clearly made up.
13 years

English to american

Fanny pack is the one that gets me.
13 years

Favorite bands :)

okilladmit wrote:

I love jazz, everything from staples like Duke all the way through weird experimental stuff like Rahsaan Roland Kirk (probably my favorite).

Haha I LOVE Rahsaan Roland Kirk! Why play one saxophone when you can play 3 at a time?


I'm gonna add Vijay Iyer, Wayne Shorter, Esbjorn Svensson Trio, Robert Glasper, and the John Randall Quintet to the out-there jazz selection du jour.
13 years


Oh sorry Saphiel, didn't refresh before I posted so missed that.
13 years


Oooh, awm210, let's see YOUR photos then...

Oh, not very attractive? Never mind, at least you've got your great personality!

13 years


Check out Molly Ren's tumblr - she describes it as "feederism, kink, chubby guys... and a little bit of body politics" and it's great:


Be warned, it's kinda kinky and explicit in places! Heh
13 years

Doctor who

Personally I'm loving the older-woman-love-interest thing with River Song, even the Mrs Robinson gag *sigh*. Alex Kingston as the 40-something hottie is a refreshing change from the usual Doctor-falls-for-20-yr-old-companion storyline. Although it has to be said that the coltish redhead is an astonishing looking woman...
13 years