The problem with ghosting on ff

Everyone is a mother f. You're just learning this? Most people here are jerks for no real reason.

Rofl your little outburst in chat yesterday sure supports that theory.

What happened last night?
2 years

Cake shake bloat - am i doing something wrong?

Tried a cake shake bloat today and really it didnt do anything that was promised. I'll admit I didnt use much. 1/4 of the bag of mix and two cups of milk followed by a whole water bottle.

I'm half convinced the whole bloat is pyschosomatic. 32oz of milk will bloat up a lot of people, followed by all that water. Should I try again with the half bag and about the same amout of liquid? Im sure the thickness would be enjoyable.

just looking for some help. I really wanted this to be what everyone says it is.

So, what makes a cake shake bloat you comes down to a chemical and physical reaction.

Cake mix has a leavening agent - usually baking powder. This, when combined with your stomach acid and natural body heat, causes your belly to expand. This is further compounded when the flour absorbs the liquid inside of you and swells.

The problem is that you diluted it too much.
2 years

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.


How much do you weigh, sir? Asking for a friend.
2 years

Any tips on growing stretch marks

I stuff myself to busting every night and not one mark anyone got any advise

Stretch marks appear after a period of intense growth. I've got a bunch on my hips, thighs, and butt from bulking up over the years. I also have some in other places from growth spurts.

Stuff your belly to the max every night, in and of itself, isn't going to give you stretchmarks. However, it *will* help you gain a bunch of weight. And *that* will give you stretchmarks.
2 years

Weight gain goals for 2023?

I’d like to put on 100lbs if I can

100 lbs in a year? An impressive goal to be sure.
2 years

Breeders and gainers, a mythical combo?

I would love to fatten someone up with pregnancy and then just keep making them fatter who’s interested?

Gotta remember there's a big difference between having a breeding kink and starting a family - especially a family. Having a baby takes a lot of time, money, and energy. It's at least an 18 year commitment. Plus if things don't work out with the parents, they will still be involved with each other because of the kid.

Sigh. The lines we blur between fantasy and reality. Something tells me many of our kinks are survival and reproduction instinct.

I, a ciswoman, like pegging and stuffing greedy pigs until they their manhood is buried in their fat.

I don't think that kink has anything to do with survival or reproduction.
2 years

Why are you into feederism?

I think humans are often compelled by a conflict of attraction and fear. I think eating disorders and attraction to fat have a strong link in all directions. We also tend to like somebody else we love enjoying what we deny ourselves, and I haven't really figured out the fear to attraction thing, but it seems to be rather common across all fetishes. Feedism is just another form of BDSM. But tastes better.

Feedism? Is not BDSM? Lol, you've been here for 12 years, man. You should know better.

It pairs *well* with BDSM, but it isn't in and of itself BDSM.

And what fear or eating disorder are you talking about? Yes, some people have internalized fatphobia or deal with eating disorders. But it's not endemic to this kink.
2 years

Feedist/gainer cookbook

Can you upload this cookbook and/or the information on it.

You would think that such a book would be here on site.

Because it's not free. This is something that OP made. If you want it, you have to buy it. She posted the link to do so.
2 years

Too big for a bath.

Recently I wanted to relax and have a bubble bath but when I sat down in the bathtub I found out I was too fat felt good honestly.

Unfortunately if I get in, it's too hard to get up. My building was built in the early 1900s. I'm not sure if the tub is small or if I'm just a fatty, but my rolls bulge over the sides, and my tummy is above the water line. I need a wider, deeper tub. I look like an overflowing cupcake in mine.


It's both.
2 years

Veterans day belly rubs

Its veterans day and to honor those who have served our country please allow a veteran to rub your belly.

Like ... just *any* veteran? No dinner and a movie first?

So lewd ~
2 years