
gilgalad141 2 months,

Apparently he was doing his thing and 'interviewing' yoshiko again. Banned.
6 years

Harassment thread

Lauren90 5 months,

Two reports on them:

KHayes666 2 days
profile: This is a fake profile. 3 of my friends have all said he, yes HE, threatened to steal their pictures and harass them.
CuddlyPanda 2 days
profile: Threatened harm in private chat

Have suspended them and are asking for more info before moving to a ban.
6 years


yoshiko contacted me about him today with him babbling similar stuff to plumpdisneyprincess so that confirms what he's like. Guy's nuts.

I hate coming to you when there's another random idiot but uh
that kaine guy... is a scary mother fu cker
".youre my wife forever and ever lean the seat back ...I LOVE YOU ...i just want to be noticed by you 😢 ...i really would like to marry you 😢 ...please marry me 😢 ...please I'll do anything to be with you 😢"

very very small of pages long snippet he's been sending almost all night
6 years


Again as this one now:

ButterBloom 35 mins,

He's posing as a woman and got reported for stolen pics too. My sides.

EgonsTwinkie 2 hours
profile: Using stolen pics
akula1369 2 hours
pic: Using Growthatbelly’s pic.

name: ButterBloom
about me: Likes - food (obviously) comedy, tea, reading, high waisted underwear, and horse riding

Dislikes - cleaning, very extroverted types, the cold, spelling mistakes, Boris Johnson

That�s all I can think of/can be bothered to do right now.
looking for: Other women to talk to and maybe more? I am bi but generally prefer women.
6 years


Back as YourVeryFatPiggy.

YourVeryFatPiggy 18 hours,
6 years

Oliver hardy

Dunno what he said before since the post is missing, but I got reminded of him thanks to this contribution he made recently to a topic about a guy's partner losing weight:

Don't worry about a diet, as we all know the result of that will only be temporary. So support her with love. Once she gets weak you'll be there with her favorite snacks. Before you know it all the weight will be back plus some bonus pounds for you being such a good sport when she was on a diet smiley

So slimy.
6 years

Definite underagers banned

Pearboy 4 hours,

Pearboy 3 hours
Hi there! I used to be a healthly boy who eated well and exerciced... but I discovered that I wanted to get fat! I need a feeder who can help me to get my goals. Now I’m in my weight. Is there any man who can help me to change this? I’m 15 y old , 74 kg, 180 cm. I wanna be a curvy boy, with Big tits and Big bum.. and also Big stomach! E mail me at

15, banned.
6 years


Yup she gave that proof to us via email too, so I guess she's real. I doubt the other accounts belong to her, so that's interesting.
6 years


-facepalms- ChubbyJ spoke to me TWICE about it already, he didn't need to tell you about it as well (at least the first convo, relaying the follow-up about Petefa is fine). He really is panicked about this pair isn't he, and it's good that you spoke to him the way you did. But I don't know what this other pair of fuckers are up to leading him around like this. Anyway I've put a stop to it by giving 'Claire' and Pete some time off and sent their two accounts ID checks now.

I saw your screenshots too, looks like a fake story and that Pete's gotten too greedy in his quest for fapping. Even if he hadn't harassed this guy, using two accounts is a no no.
6 years