WHOAH what??? 20lbs in less than 2 weeks? That’s prodigious. So impressive! How’s he feeling?
(How many days have passed? On my end, it doesn’t give a specific time for your previous post, just says it was 1 week ago, and I dont know how this forum handles rounding)
Honestly he says his joints are hurting a bit and I had to have been back off, even though he says he doesn’t care, and just wants to get fatter. So eager to please.
It has been about 10 days
Some of that is probably fluid retention. I bet he's been eating a lot of salt. That will bloat you like nothing else and wreak havoc on the joints. Don't be alarmed if he suddenly loses a bunch of weight.
I keep waiting for his weight to drop, but never seems to. I think all this cream is doing something to his estrogen levels because his chest is up 3 inches as of this morning.
And still at 275
Not shocked. High fat dairy products tend to be higher in hormones. If consumed in normal amounts, this is a non-issue. ( But, if you are guzzling it, it will cause changes.
There is a reason why a lot of HC gainers report having a more ... feminine shape after going hog wild with the HC.
Of course, the amount of hormones in HC isn't enough to cause drastic changes. Too low for that. And where the fat goes largely depends on genetics.
Still, it definately sounds like he has some kind of inflamation going on. When you guys pick up after his gaining break, I recommend going slower. Nothing will cap a gain like health issues.