What's your favorite part of being obese?

I like seeing and feeling my belly and butt grow. I like feeling clothes get tighter, especially as I stuff myself. Stretch marks. Getting breasts and having them grow. Eventually I want to get big enough to fill up at least a C or D cup bra. I want to burst out of clothes from stuffing myself.
5 years


I think it would be interesting to watch a belly tattoo distort as the belly grows.
5 years

Boosting rate of gain

The thing is that when I first started getting fat, I gained around 10 pounds a month. I deeply want to swell up at that rate again. My goal is around 600 pounds and my progress is way too slow.
5 years

Boosting rate of gain

Something that has bothered me since I started tracking my weight is that my rate of gain isn't as fast as I'd like. Once I hashed things put with scales with bad accuracy and/or precision, I determined my rate is barely 3 pounds a month. I really want to be gaining 10 pounds or so. Does anyone have any advice for me on this?
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

This general topic needs its own subforum.
5 years

All week stuffing.

So, i had a crazy idea. But i wanna do it.
So, what can i eat? I wanna be full for every single moment of the day and every day of the week.

Think cheap.

A 12 pack of ramen noodles is about $2 so there's at least 6-4 big belly fills. A box of instant mashed potatoes are under $5. Canned foods are ideal also.

Take a sober (not hungry) trip to Walmart or a grocery store and browse and price out the foods to enjoy and set up for yourself a budget and meal plan.

I've pondered doing something like this, but I need a wide variety. I can't get stuffed on just one or two things. I get nauseated before I even start to feel full.
5 years

Holiday weight gain goals

I'm hoping to grow from 327-ish pounds to 350 pounds by year's end.
5 years


So I go calorie hunting on a budget and I was on my way to work and I stopped into Walmart for a few cans of "Beefaroni" 500 calories and very addicting canned food for only 68� per can. I went to the dairy isle to look for Goat Milk and stumbled upon a small 12oz bottle of Eggnog for $1.88, it has close to 800 calories per bottle so I bought it and it's a bit more expensive than heavy cream but I'm thinking...would it be as effective for weight gain as heavy cream would be? I could drink Eggnog all day but heavy cream is pretty vile tasting to me.

Cream goes down very easily if you add a shot of a flavoring syrup. Get a couple different bottles of Torani.
5 years

Stretch marks on male guts

I got them on my belly as I progressed through the 200s. They're faded now and I really want to get new ones.
5 years