Clothing help

It's sometimes hard to tell. It gets costly if you have to replace your entire wardrobe every time. It's also difficult because no one has a constant rate of gain, and the rate of weight gain can vary even if you are consistent with your calories, which is also easier said than done. At least, it can be difficult if you want to avoid getting clothes you might not be able to use for awhile. You might hit a plateau so you do have to consider this possibility.

At best it's an inexact science, or art but maybe some of the things I say will be helpful.

Some clothes also aren't exactly the cheapest, but these tend to be somewhat more forgiving regarding size.

For regular clothes (not underwear) I recommend you get a small number of items in the next size up, and maybe a couple items 2 sizes up, kind of as an inspiration. I have some "slim fit" XL size collared shirts that are slightly too big right now.

So far anyway, I've noticed that any time I get slightly larger trousers, I slowly expand until they too get snug. I'm also dealing with this very thing too, debating when to upgrade some clothes to the next size up.

As you, the OP is female, this does give you some additional options and flexibility, both formal and informal.

Unlike for men, most women's tops don't have a snug collar that you might button and then tie a tie around it. (Although if you were a man, even if the collar button no longer reaches, you can use the tie itself to keep it together)

You even have the option to wear tops which show some more cleavage, so the point is, it won't be tight around the neck. In office environments, women don't typically wear ties so you have that advantage.

Another option you have are dresses, many of which are somewhat stretchy. I'm somewhat amazed at the number of clothing items I've seen that have some stretch to them now, that previously didn't. Sometimes with stretchy clothes, such as skinny jeans, you might be able to get away with ordering a size even larger.

For things like skirts, you could just make a point of using a belt. May help in the near term if the waist is still too loose because you ordered a size too big.

JCPenney seems to offer a decent value without looking awful (unlike everything at Goodwill or TJMaxx, not that you can shop at those places anyway). Macy's might be okay, as long as you stay away from the store brands, because those seem to be kind of shoddy.

For blazers, which always seem more costly, you might want to just get the next size up. I'm not sure if anyone would notice, especially if you are 285 at 5'5", as your profile says as of this writing. Coats, likely the same way.

Now, one nice thing about underwear is that in general, it's very stretchy and can encompass multiple sizes. So, it's likely to help if you get 2 sizes up. The stretch and shrink will mean it'll likely still fit, and will be able to expand.

As for bras, I'm sorry but I really couldn't say. Just use a tape measure and try to "guessimate" as much as you can, rather relying on whatever size you thought you were before (I read somewhere that at least 2/3's of women are likely using the wrong size of bra). Folks put on weight in different places, so this would likely factor in to whatever you decide to get.
4 years

Corona gaining for mom

I wonder about the veracity of the story, but I hope it's the truth!

I also hope she gains more. And at her age there's no way she's going to lose a significant amount of weight.

When that happens, hopefully this means the nasty comments will stop.

Even better if they're replaced by comments about the latest delicious and fattening baking recipe she has tried, but that's hoping for a bit much.
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

is this two quarts over the period of how long? one day?

I once drank 3qt in a day. Just to see if I could. Don't recommend it[/quote]

Geez. Did you vomit? Or I wonder if it all went through you? Can't imagine it felt that good.

I still can't handle 1 quart in a day, even occasionally. The last time I tried that, I threw up. I was only 130ish pounds back then, but still.

I can try a pint a day for a couple days in a row. But I can't seem to do that every day for a week, at least not yet.
4 years

Do any restaurants sell milkshakes made with heavy cream?

I know Sonic Drive-Ins have shakes worth like 2k calories.

Highest I've seen from Sonic is around 1,500 from what I remember, but they're also the largest size at 32 fl. oz.

The most calorie dense option I'm aware of are certain varieties of shakes from Steak & Shake. Although the varieties with the most calories are 880-980 calories, if you order one you will notice they're 16 fl. oz. which makes them more calorie dense.

If you order two of them to match the volume, there will be more calories.
4 years

Fat pig diet

I was thin for most of my life, weighing 105 lbs. I went on a cruise and I let myself go. I gained 10 lbs in seven days and my clothes got way too small. I tried to lose the weight but my diets were a fail and I would end up putting more weight on. When I was over 200 lbs I gave up trying to lose weight and just let myself pig out. Now I am 300 lbs and I love to eat.

Wow.. 105 was really thin, far too skinny!

I love that you were able to really thicken up during a cruise. This makes me think that whenever I'm able to, that's another reason I should try to go on a 2 week cruise, and pack some clothes in the next size up just in case. And I love the idea of residual weight gain after that.

I'm not as far along as you are, but I too have noticed that with the more weight I've gained, the more I look forward to food. Not just more food, but fattier, more calorie laden food too. I suspect at a certain point I'll pass the point of no return and the seal will be broken.
4 years

Fat pig diet

Ever since I hit 300 lb I have been feeling like a blimp so I decided to go on a mini diet. I did pretty well minus a few cheats. This morning I went to weigh myself and I have gained weight!

Am I too fat to diet? Am I fat pig forever?

I think it's likely that you will remain heavy forever.

There are a few cases of those who have been able to maintain substantial weight loss, but they are uncommon. They all require an enormous effort and a very significant change in mindset. Such individuals have to basically stick to both food they likely hate, and almost live in the gym (think 20+ hrs a week), leaving almost no time for anything else. A sad consequence of this is they often become bitchy and obsessed, not fun at all. And it's a process that takes months, even years of basically beating yourself up constantly.

Even in the extreme cases of "My 600 lb Life," virtually everyone featured on those are typically at least overweight or in the low range of obese at the end. Also, you must have noticed the weight loss Doctor himself is at least technically overweight.

So, why beat yourself up? There's less reason to than ever before. There's the body positive movement, and a lot more focus on plus-size fashion, so it's not like all you can wear are ugly mu-mus.
4 years

Work from home jobs = more fat

The lockdown will eventually end, but a new mentality could last for generations.

I suspect the pandemic will create a new appreciation for stay at home jobs. Kind of like someone living through the Depression would tell their grandkids and great grandkids to save pennies. I bet a lot of people will value working from home more and making sure food is stocked up. Some people will rush out when quarantine is over. Some will have kind of gotten used to it.

Talk about the perfect breeding ground for a generation of super feedees. And if you're a feeder, find some work-from-home software pro and fatten them until they can can use their belly as a shelf for their keyboard. I predict there will be plenty to choose from!

Sorry but no, I don't think so. I have to burst your bubble.

Most folks don't or can't thrive in such a work environment and even if they can, don't want to. Nothing replaces face to face. Most want to leave their work crap the minute they walk out the door of the employer's facility.

Others don't have the infrastructure access to do this even if they want to. Many don't even have an appropriate environment at home (very little kids being around is one very good example, or living somewhere noisy).

Many if not most jobs can't be performed from home or be adapted to do so. Even of the jobs that theoretically could, they may be at organizations that may be unwilling or even unable to do so.

A lot of folks are starting to go insane from the lack of face to face contact, too. They can't stand it.

Now, after this is all over, will there be a much wider availability for folks who might actually want such an arrangement, even if part-time (go into the office on just some days)? I don't know.
4 years

Thicc thighs?

Does anyone mind if I add an extra level?

I doubt anyone would mind, though I kind of wonder what it would be.
4 years

Do you notice your gain

Initially I did and it seemed more dramatic, but nowadays not as much. The changes seem more gradual.

If I didn't weigh myself every day and occasionally get out the tape measure, I'm not sure if I would have noticed.

I thought the burger analogy in the previous reply was a good one, and also funny. It's true though.. visually, is there much difference between say, a 40" butt and a 42" butt? Not really.
4 years