Website rebranding 20/04/2021

Allowing to see the profile pictures of members and their user names without the need to sign in, is a major breach of privacy, in my opinion, and I strongly disapprove!

Only members should be able to see those ONCE THEY SIGN IN!

Hi, thank you for your feedback. We completely understand the want for privacy. We have just this morning built a function for you to hide your content / profile so it does not appear on the home page.

If you would like to hide your account from being shown on the home page. Please follow these steps:

1. Click on your avatar and select 'My Account' form the drop down menu.
2. Select 'Settings' from the 3 tabs at the top of this page. This is the third tab after ' My Account' and 'Blocked Users'.
3. On the settings page, under the 'Privacy' subheading. There is now an option to hide content from the home page. Simply select this and press save.

Thank you
3 years

Website rebranding 20/04/2021

When on a profile, the option to narrow down activity has been removed. I.e can't click posts to see forum posts. Or click videos to see videos.
Will the functionality be returning?

Hi, this function is still available... We have replaced just the words with icons but the descriptions are still underneath you should still be able to navigate to posts, pics, videos, stories etc on a profile...

I haven't found a bug with this one, so if I am misunderstanding can you please elaborate.

All your help is greatly appreciated!
3 years

Website rebranding 20/04/2021

Hey, as you can all see we have updated the website branding! YAY...

Quick question? Anyone tied out the dark theme yet???

3 years

Website rebranding 20/04/2021

Hi all,

This is a notification that tomorrow 20th April 2021 we will be launching our new rebranded site.

We've been working really hard to update the site and create a new look that is more modern and fun for you to all enjoy... We know! It's been a long time coming!

There is still lots of work to be done, but as of tomorrow you will notice that the site will look rather different! We hope you like it, and most importantly... although we will look a bit different we ARE the same site!!!

Tomorrows update is just the first stage of many, so this is not by any means the finished article, and we will be continually working on the brand and site design as we go through this year.

Please note, that you don't need to do anything differently. Your content, profiles, log in details and upgrades will not be affected, and you can use the site as normal.

As with any major site changes, there can be some teething issues. A lot of our code base has been changed in the update so we may encounter some bugs...

We will be testing the site as much as possible, but we are only human and some things may get missed. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, or something that doesn't work as usual, error messages, etc... then please get in touch so we can get this fixed as soon as possible!

We would also love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and feedback! So don't be shy!

You can contact us on:
FF Team profile: (click on our avatar and send us a message)
Team email:
or simply reply to this thread!


FF Team
3 years

France chat group ?

We are currently working on a site update which is taking up most of our time. Once released the site owner can look into adding extra chat room groups.

We have not forgotten your previous request. However things do take time as there's always so much to do on the site, and we have to prioritise tasks.


3 years



We used to have a LGBT forum which was eventually removed due to lack of use.

We do have some updates coming to the site soon, and we are going to be introducing a LGBT chatroom group.

So hopefully this is a feature that will be useful for you.


FF Team
3 years

What are the purple tear shapes after some users names

It's in regards to profile karma, how much you have posted on the site sections, how many likes etc..

However we are doing a site update soon and this feature will no longer be used.

3 years

Can't resub

Hi GainforTheStars,

Thanks for getting in touch. I can see that your subscription was suspended. This means for some reason the auto subscription payment was not taken on 6th April. As the payment was not received the upgrade features will have also been suspended.

As you have now cancelled the subscription there is no way to reactivate it and use a different payment method.

If you would like to get access to the combined upgrade features. You would need to upgrade again which you can do via the upgrades page.

As we use PayPal as our payment provider you will be directed to PayPal to make your payment. However if you wish to use a different payment method. Just ensure you are logged out of your PayPal account before upgrading and then you should also have the option of paying by credit or debit card rather than your PayPal account.

Hope that helps.

FF Team
3 years