Spouse not so much into it - experiences?

Sorry to hear she is having problems.
It is nice she lets you continue on here.
11 years ago is when I started coming here.

Thank you Ditzy, yes, she is very kind that way. I am positive that my recent gains may re-spark things...and if not, I'm very happy to be bigger.
2 years

Spouse not so much into it - experiences?

I'm kinda in this boat. My wife was a very active part of the comunity about 11 years ago. Sadly following a serious illness she is having to lose the weight. Thankfully our relationship is not entirely weight based, but I'd be lying if I said it hurts that she is losing weight. But she allows me to be here and interact online and that's wonderful.
2 years

How much have you gained since you started?

Captain Cake:

I think it'd be interesting to share:
1. Your starting weight
2. Your current weight
3. How long it took to get to where you are now

1. 105
2. 230
3. 17 years (about 7lbs a year.) it's been hard work, my job is in an active industry. I've gained and lost many times. In 2020 I gained 20lbs. In 2021 I lost them and more, but I love it all. Here's hoping the next 230lbs don't take 17 years!!!
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

Oh gosh yes! Salad, crisps and nuts are a sure fire way for me to need to run away!
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

I suffer with this too. It's called Misophonia and it sucks! I have to wear headphones when we are eating to mask as much of the noise as possible.
2 years

What is your starting weight in 2022? (check back 12/31/22 to see how much you’ve gained)

228 (I'd hoped to get to 230). Sadly with an active job gaining is hard work at times, so I'd be happy to get to 250+.
2 years

Adult nursing relationship

I don't have many kinks but being breast fed is a huge one for me. The idea that a partner and I can eat and eat and gain, then I get the advantage that they feed me their fattening milk is jus wonderful. I'm not in it as a baby or anything other than their body making me even fatter.
Sadly my wife and I weren't able to do this for many reasons I won't bore you with, but it remains something I'd love to do!
2 years

What is your height?

5'8" and 226lbs this morning.
2 years

Growing and exhibitionism

At work and with family I can get embarrassed, which is stupid because I love showing my (slowly) growing body off. When we can travel to new places I hope to need bigger clothes to go in!
2 years


This is a similar story to me, trained in my career and love it...but it's an active and physical job. Not cut out to be an office boy, and not sure what to do, but each month that passes the desire to pack it in and pack on the weight grows.
2 years
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