Skinny feeders and food issues

Ok, I'm going to add a different twist to this...

As many of us are, my fat desires were preprogrammed in my DNA. As I came of age and began to focus on girls, my fat desires emerged as a feeder. What young FA hasn't fantasized about a particular girl getting plumper, right?

In high school my fascination with weight or weight gain added another element. You see, it was here that I began to wrestle and this included cutting or making weight for a particular weight class. I started wrestling at 119 lb class and also wrestled at 126 and 135. We weighed in before every practice and after every practice six days a week. Making weight meant skipping meals or having just a piece of fruit. Not allowing yourself to enjoy Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners and wearing layers of heavy clothing in practice to sweat off water weight off.

In my mid twenties my relationship with food changed and my fat desires transformed with it. I found myself wanting to gain weight and enjoying my extra heft. smiley
12 years

Say something nice...

Has an awesome avatar and I'd wager she is far from "hideous" looking!
12 years

Say something nice...

Is indeed pretty as a rose!
12 years

Say something nice...

Has a beautiful belly!
12 years

Vanila relationships?

Basically, I'm tired of vanilla sex, and the fantasies that I crave make me feel ashamed of myself[/quote]

I agree with this, however, you should never be ashamed of your feeding/stuffing/gaining fantasies. They are a part of your DNA and should never be discounted in your relationships.

Myself, I've struggled with this for some time and its hurt my sex life. You see in my case, I'm married and my spouse won't or can't grasp my desire for feeding/stuffing/gaining to be a part of our sex life. Part of the issue lies in the ridicule she's received all her life for being fat. She loves that I love her fat, but years of fat bashing have left a sort of insurmountable mental block. The result is very vanilla sex. Its left me with a void and a conundrum to an otherwise beautiful marriage.
12 years
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