First date advice!!!!

Just be yourself, and act like you have been with her. She liked you then, why wouldn't it work in person? (give or take what you guys are like in private)

it's okay to be nervous, and she will probably understand, just remember this is to have fun. To get to know eachother.
10 years

"i'm more than just a gainer"

Vintage Smut wrote:
Finding someone who can be compatible in both worlds...fetish, lover and relationship is like finding a needle in a haystack.
This in a nutshel. You may have sparks fly in one aspect, but missing the other parts will drive someone up a wall... They could be the sweetest person on earth, but without the kink it leaves you wanting.

I think those that may kinda fizzle away immediately have just learned what it is they like, and even if you have the edge in one subject, if the other subject bores them, they take the executive decision to find someone they have better chemistry with.
10 years

Tease or plead the past post!

Decided to make a new thread for something a little different, Tease, encourage, or plead to the the poster above you in accordance to their preference.
10 years

New say something nice thread!

Always seems calm and down to Earth. A levelheaded gent!
10 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

Saphiel Sir wrote:

I'm actually planning to get one sometime especially with Sonic: Lost World coming out, along with the new Smash Bros and Wind Waker HD (never got the original). Hoping Nintendo will start using their IP's more though.

And on topic, I'm favouring the PS4, price is lower and I'm liking the look of the games on it more.
I cannot lie I really want to get a wii U and enjoy some of my favorite title. But I'm boycotting them at the moment.

They reeeally spit in the gaming communities face with the advertisement sweep they pulled on lper's. Their giving them free advertising, you make decent enough games people tend to jump on as soon as ones made, But sometimes seeing a lp can push someone forward if their still on the rocks.

now you punched you're freee advertising campaign in the gut, And considering how god awful their advertisements have been in the past... I hope they decide to rethink things and lift the add revenue, and give it back to the ones filming.

I've actually made purchases off of lper's. They help me decide if I like a game or not, and seeing the fun of skyrim enhanced via Jesse Cox I went out and bought it. Same with Deadspace.

I'll stick with a gaming company till they pull crap that hurts the fans.
10 years

Is feeding cheating????

I dunno to be honest it's always been something that I questioned, but I guess not. It's something intimate but to different, can mean different things.... I guess it depends on the person feeding/ person being fed.
11 years

Anime theme songs

Gurren Lagann, Happily Ever After!

My bro is dead, hese gone! But on my back, and in my heart , HE LIVES ON AS A PART OF ME! I'm not kamina, or bro, I'm me! SIMONE THE DIGGER!
11 years

Currently listening to?

Imagine dragons-Demons.
11 years

Favorite piece of clothing?

I love my Leather Jacket. It always made me look a little less slouchy with it's slightly pointed shoulders. It's subtle, but it certainly looks nice.

And it makes me feel pretty dang sweet.
11 years


It's basically enacting a story or a fantasy between two or more people. Usually on this site, you would enact some situation where you encourage or spur on weight gain in another even if it would never be possible in a million years to actually make something like that work out.
11 years
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