Flip flopping between wanting to lose weight and wanting to gain

Struggling with this myself at the moment.

I worked really hard on my fitness last year, and damn it was nice getting to a point where I could do boring everyday things like walking around the supermarket without looking like a fat freak dripping with sweat and struggling to breath. It was the fittest I have been in nearly a decade and it felt great to be more active.

Then I started binge eating again to self-medicate a period of worse than usual depression, it snowballed and before I knew it I put on over 30kg. The extra weight made movement much more difficult, which slowly chipped away any and all motivation I had to exercise, and now my level of fitness is non-existent again.

Currently I'm just enjoying the food too much to stop, even though I probably should.

It's seemingly impossible to balance my rampant desire for food with my aspiration to be fitter and have a more active and fulfilling life.

Just get back on the fitness grind while also allowing yourself to enjoy food

I'm currently at my fattest and simultaneously near my peak fitness.

I go to the gym twice a week, do hour long walks on most days and do flights of stairs (with good form).

I also eat like 3200 calories a day and pig out on weekends lol.

I feel I've found a happy medium personally and all of the cardio is only more effective the heavier you are.

You can do it!
2 years

Sweating down there?

I've put on about 25lbs over the last couple of months and I've noticed that I sweat in the crotch/inner-thigh area much more now.

This has occasionally caused me to develop mild rashes that are very annoying.

I've been using baby powder a LOT, even at night after I shower before sleep, but by the time I wake up I'm not as dry as I'd like to be.

Any advice on how to deal with this?
2 years

Best food for gaining on a budget?

Heavy Cream.

Where I live you can get a pint for $4 which adds 1400 calories to your day
2 years

Events/meetups in southern ontario?

I would be interested in some of kind of IRL event to bond over feedism stuff
2 years

Any feedee’s on a weight loss journey?

More of a foodie than a feedee. Due to medical issues I had to lose weight starting in 2020. It was a bizarre feeling losing and being so restrictive in my diet. I was never into sweets or chocolate so that didn’t bother me. Cut out all rice, bread, potatoes and pasta.
Lost the weight never hitting my goal weight however. Still a BMI that categorized me as obese. You couldn’t tell however. Started healing from major surgery and started gaining. Belly exploded in size. Still not eating those goods but I’m eating a lot more in quantity.
This gain was short lived. Cardiologist was beside himself. Back on strict diet having to lose again. My fantasies haven’t changed. Still wish I was north of 300. Love how my body feels when I’m so fat. But, the stress at this point is just too much. It will have to stay a fantasy. This site lets me indulge in reading about every bodies experiences. Living vicariously is going to be the way it has to be now.

So even when gaining with healthy foods your cardiovascular health suffered?
2 years

Usual fast food order and what resturant?

Got a McDonald's just down the street from work and I've started down the path of 1 quarter pounder/big Mac or two cheese burgers with 6 nuggets and a large mocha frappe on the regular. My biggest worry with them is just the massive sodium content lol

Yeah oh well you only live once lol so minus well live it getting to be the biggest you can get 🙃 worry about sodium intake in an after life

I had to reread this several times before I figured out that "minus well" = "might as well" lol
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

congratz on the gains so far! it looks like in this last week you've found a steady amount of heavy cream you can easily consume. i hope that helps you see a steady continued increase.

something worth considering - the increase in your waist may not be visceral fat, or at least may not be as much as you assume. some people store more fat in the stomach region regardless of the type of fat. it's just unfortunately difficult to gauge how much is visceral vs subcutaneous.

Thanks smiley

I definitely feel like I'm suddenly way fatter than I was just 2 weeks ago which has been fun!

As for my waist, I wouldn't say that my belly is all that soft honestly, only the very lower part of it. The area that I'm measuring is almost certainly visceral fat based on appearance and feel (and how much it sticks out)
2 years

Telling family

I mean you're 34 years old, right? You know better than anyone else how he would react.

Maybe he'll appreciate your honesty or maybe he'll disprove of the idea but either way he's going to have to accept you gaining weight if that's your intention.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment


I'm now 22 days into the experiment and these are my stats

On any given day I'm eating a minimum of 2700 calories and a maximum of 4500 calories, with a rough average of ~3000 calories.

Once a week I am eating foods that contain simple carbs or even sugars, but otherwise I am quite strictly sticking to whole grains, complex carbs, proteins and fats.

I have been mostly avoiding linoleic acid and eating foods high in omega-3 fats like avocados.

As you can see my waist measurements are steadily going up, so visceral fat gains are definitely real and happening.

Do I feel softer? Yes

Does that mean I'm gaining more subcutaneous fat than usual? I'm not so sure.

I've been this weight before and it definitely came with subcutaneous fat gains last time as well so it's hard to tell, especially since I've only gained around 7lbs so far.

I do feel like the speed of weight gain is ramping up though. You'll notice that in week 1 I barely put on weight but by weeks 2 and 3 I keep getting fatter lol
2 years
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