Other intuitive eaters?

For me it’s about being free and excited to eat again and not being stressed out! And if I get a lil chubby that’s is of because I am attracted to bodies of all shapes. Having the ability to feel happy in one own body is my goal!!
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

I’m in the process of doing this now. It is an anti diet more or less. You take out the labels of good food and bad food. Simply eating what you want when you want and listening to your body’s cues to when you’re hungry and full. Focusing on how you feel. Was the food satisfying, am I overly full , how did I feel while eating that. It’s a good way for people with internalized fat phobia/obesiphobia to make peace with food and stop restricting what they eat and have a healthy relationship with food. Teaching you to embrace your body in it predisposed set weight. Some lose weight and some gain. Most gain some weight due to years of restricting dieting. It’s teaches that all bodies are different and to embrace yourself wether you’re soft and a bit bigger or thin or just something in between. Helps you with the mental hurdles of self acceptance.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Thank you green tree!!! That’s really nice of you to offer your advice. Im just really confused and excited and anxious all at once.
10 months

Coming out as a fa/feedee

I can’t talk to people at church because their ideals would be to get rid of the feelings and not to face them and deal with them in a healthy healing way. Just like you can’t pray gay away you can’t pray feedism away. It’s the same thing. Just different feelings. I’m not trying to suppress it. I’m trying to be open and accepting, be myself. That’s all I want. Just to be honest with myself. I’m tired of treating it like a sickness. It’s not it’s just who I am. But I need help with coming to terms with it. And stop projecting on the form of feeding. But learn to control it and have fun with who I am. I’m not a monster, I’m a person with perfectly valid feelings!
10 months

Rollplay / get to know ?

I would love to help. Or if you like, we can just get chubby and lazy together!!😍
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yes, some advice would help!! I think I have worries of what co workers and family may say!! If I’m being honest. And I don’t me to share tmi. But I stuffed myself for the first time Tuesday night and my heart was pounding and I was shaking. But I took the last bite and I came!! I don’t no why or how but it happened ! Again sorry for the tmi!! It’s like I want to feel myself grow softer and bigger but it scares me to give into that.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Question, did you have a ton of anxiety about crossing the line?
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Yeah, I can’t believe what I’m going to do to myself. But I can’t deny that the urge has gotten so strong that I’m not able to reign it in this time.
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

Herocomplex , is that so you can watch me grow. Because that is very encouraging!!!
10 months

Crossing from feeder to gainer

It’s not like we can turn off our kink. It just finds another outlet. And right now I’m the only option!
10 months
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