A more serious answer.
My thighs have increased in size the most of any part of my body. In fact, now they are about the size my waist used to be when I was underweight. So I effectively have three waists now. Cool.
1 month
2025 better be better be better than 2024.
2024 was a fuck-face of a year for the most part, partly because of some personal mistakes, partly due to stupidity (crashed my fucking bicycle again), although there were some better moments.
1 month
I can't eat gluten so none. No "weet" for me.
I have distant memories of trying it before I was diagnosed, many years ago, and being very unimpressed.
1 month
Still slowly gaining. Getting a bit bored of it now though. I have 19lbs to reach my goal of 250. Not much but I won't exceed it because of health reasons (and many intoxicating farts).
1 month
Probably into my liver and heart, which will explode in a month or two.
1 month
No I don't. That's why I only gain over winter and have a limit. I don't want diabetes or heart failure or other issues, so over summer I eat less, do my exercise (which I like doing) on the bicycle.
After last year's weight gain, where I wasn't even as heavy as I am now, the first bike ride I did the tires went "pfffft" with a farting noise and went flat.
Now I have extra durable thick tires on my bike, so hopefully that won't happen again even though I'm even heavier this time around.
1 month
As far as hiding from other people, don't really have to, my gain is hard to notice with clothes on as I'm so tall. Most people massively under-estimate my weight.
1 month
Up to 224.6lbs now.
Whoop, whoop whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttt
1 month
Whatever it ends up being at 250lbs. Probably 46".
2 months