Seattle meet up?

The reservations have been made! See you all tomorrow at 9:00PM! The final guest list is:

McKaty + Guest
TheBearGirl + Guest(Tokfume)

See you at Gordon Biersch in Seattle!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

An update on the guest-list:

McKaty + Guest
TheBearGirl + Guest(Tokfume)

I will continue to accept rsvp's until tomorrow evening. Please, if you're at all interested in going PM me or leave a message here in the thread!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

This is a affirmation of the date, time, and planned venue: Saturday, June the 1st, 9:00PM at Gordon Biersch in Seattle.
The location is accessible by bus and has nearby parking, but remember that parking in Seattle is usually paid parking, so plan ahead!
I need either a message from each person planning to go with how many guests they are bringing either in PM or on the thread ahead of time so I can create the guest list. This is so that I can make reservations with the venue a while before-hand, if I do not hear from you then I can't guarantee that there will be a spot for you.

So far the people who have said that they plan to attend are:
McKaty + Guest
If you are not on the list then please get back to me either in PM or on the thread. I will update the list as we go and keep it posted. If you are ON the list and do not plan on attending then please let me know as well so I can take you off.

Thanks guys, I hope this one is as fun as the last!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

pettlesgrass wrote:
Wonderful. I am in! Except, I thought you wanted Saturday the 1st. This message says Sunday.

Woops, I got my days mixed up you are right. I edited my post so it should have the proper date and time.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Okay, sorry it took me a bit but Gordon Bierche is the way to go. They can accommodate large groups, have alcohol for those that want it, and nearby parking (a godsend in Seattle). They close at 11:00PM on Saturdays so it would probably be a good idea to meet a couple hours before that (so probably around 9:00PM). I'm going to post this and wait a few days for any input from you guys on it. After that I will be compiling the guest list at which point I will start mailing everyone, so start clearing your schedules that night guys, we're gonna have some fun!
11 years

Help me get fat faster :)

Some of the people here who recommended high carbohydrate diets are right, those will pack on the pounds rather quickly, but it is much less healthy than other ways of gaining and puts you at risk for diabetes and plaque build up in the arteries in the future. Either way you choose to go is completely your choice of course, I just wanted to make sure someone mentioned the risks involved if people were going to recommend that kind of diet.

Other than that just focus on eating more in general though it might be uncomfortable at first. Obviously try eating a bit more in your three main meals a day, but also try snacking a little bit inbetween when you're too full for a full blown meal.

Good luck and I hope you find the body that's right for you!
11 years

Seattle meet up?

McKaty wrote:
I am in +1!!!

Gordon Biersch in the Pacific Place Mall has been accommodating of larger groups in the fast. They have a pretty big menu with mostly American food + good beer. All ages in the dining room. They're open until 11 on Saturdays and in the Pacific Place Mall which has parking and easier bus access than the Spaghetti Factory. The downside is its a little pricier like $15-20ish per entree from what I remember.

The Spagetti Factory has a parking lot but it only has like 20 spots and there aren't really any pay lots or garages nearby so sometimes when I've been there I've had to park several blocks away.

Excellent, glad to have you! That's good stuff to know though, I'll look into it today and maybe that will be where we meet instead of the spaghetti factory. I want to settle on a place soon though so that way people outside of the Seattle area can make plans.
11 years

Who is the artist

You should link to the actual photo url rather than the url of the page it's on. The site linked requires a login.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

So currently looking at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Seattle as a possible location, it's affordable and supposedly can handle larger groups (no pun intended). The only downside is that it closes at 10:30 on the weekends, so we would have to meet a bit earlier than that (probably like 8:30 or so). Of course if people wanted to still hang after that we could always head to a bar or some such thing after. In any case, need feedback from you guys! Once we have settled on a place I'll start building the guest list.
11 years

Seattle meet up?

Cool, so it looks like we've got a few people so far that can go, and a reminder that if you intend on coming that day (Saturday, June 1st) please let me know in this thread or by PMing me so I can add you to the guest list. That was very helpful last time in making sure we had enough seats for everyone, if you don't rsvp there's no guarantee that there will be seating for you wherever we choose to go. That being said we still need ideas for a location! Looking for somewhere in Seattle that is 18+ and can handle good sized parties.
11 years
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