Make this an app

Well, the short version: An app is a must, you guys are losing a lot of market share to other ones like feabie that provide it.
I'm not talking about myself, I still use a laptop most of the time, cellphones are pathetic for my use, too weak, too limited and often cellphone apps have a fraction of the functionality, there is so much stuff you just can't do or is insanely complicated, just copy paste becomes a chore. That being said, I'm not your average joe user, I work in IT and use very powerful systems. Your average user is now using more smartphones than laptops or anything else. And for these people if you don't have an app on Androind (Google play) or iTunes (iOS), you do not exist.
That is especially true for the younger generation. I have a feeling that ff is more for the older crowd, while feabie has tons of younger users. Some older folks might say "why do you need an app? web based works too, where is the problem?"
Well, the web is used for EVERYTHING, it was never built to handle what we are using it for now, many web standars are lousy and inadequate and it takes a ton of work to just make it perform normal functions, like when you write a post and close the webbrowser or go back or forward or your browser crashes, bye bye post, that is not supposed to happen.
Now if you think that there is no need for an app, consider this example: When the web rolled around, some businesses or services said "why do you need a webpage? Just use this phone number and call us, that is good enough!" and many of us said "nope, you need a webpage, get it done!". You might be able to relate to that, as for young people, smartphone apps ARE IT, it is not an option, and it makes things a lot easier to use.
I do know of course about the complexity about making an app happen, especially for a site that was never designed for it and it might cost a little bit of money, but you guys will keep losing members to sites like feabie and that also means paying members. Just my 5 cents, some free market analysis ;-)
7 years


Stretch marks are wonderful and sexy, I like them both on women and on myself, for me they are the symbol of being a feedee, usually doing testament that somebody grew fast. (although I guess that you would get them anyway, even when growing slowly) On a guy they they are a clear give away that he is a feedee, since a woman can get them from pregnancy, but for a guy it is all about weight gain.
I love all the different shapes of them and how they look, for me it looks like the belly was inflated like a balloon.
7 years

Who wants to be immobile?

It is a really hot goal, I most of the time assume that it is fantasy, that it won't really happen, but then I wonder, if I get fatter and fatter and fatter, which I surely will and enjoy the fat so much, won't it always be a little more? The fear of losing mobility, the teasing by my feeder, how she notices how I have a harder and harder time walking and her intention to get me there is very very hot. Who knows what will happen? I would love to be a advocate for feedism, be extremely fat like this, but talk positively about being immobile and be a positive role model.
7 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

For me it is spontaneous weigh gain, fattening that happens really fast and I can watch. Constantly overeating and force feeding could destabilize the fat and it surging and growing suddenly, and fast and keep going for a bit. It feels like you are asking for it, every time you overeat and overdo it, wanting it to happen.
7 years

Remote sensing a feedee sub

Asking them to show pictures of the scale works a charm: Being watched and observed often leads to weight gain, even if the scale has not moved before.
7 years

Olive oil. how much?

Thanks for much for all the resourceful links, I will dig through them, always good to keep up to date on the facts. As I love extreme obesity, both in my feedees and me and strong gaining, this is a very important concern of mine.
7 years

Stomach getting large through stuffing?

A stomach that is constantly stuffed and overfilled with start stretching and growing.
What is your experience with that? Does it get larger? How much larger? Do you have a harder and harder time getting full? Getting more hungry? Did you ever measure how much you can fit inside it? Balloon fantasies or force feeding fantasies?
8 years

Fat talk

Oh, that is very normal and sexy. It just means that you love it very much. I have a love for very strong words, like being called a fat pig or fat hog or a porker, not because it is insulting to me. I love being fat, so being called fat is a compliment, not something negative. I also never had a negative connotation for it, I guess I was blessed not being bullied in school for it, since I was thin then.
But being called a porker is a very strong confirmation that I'm really fat. Right now I would not deserve this tag, but there will be a time when I get fat enough that such a powerful word will be the perfect description, when fat or plump or whatever will just not be sufficient and descriptive enough. I will see in the mirror, that I indeed am so fat that I look like a fat porker. ;-) *blush*
There are so many wonderful words!
8 years

Olive oil. how much?

By the way does olive oil cause visceral fat or subcutaneous fat because i want subcutaneous fat there are 2 main reasons. I like jiggily fat as opppsed to "hard" fat (visceral fat) ,and i dont want to die for my fetish so i would much rather the much healther subcutaneous fat, if so then tell me of not tell me a food that causes subcutaneous fat. Thx 😀

I get this question constantly, like you I would love to only get subcutaneous fat, but alas, nobody can decide what kind of fat you get and where it gets put on, your body decides that, everybody has another map and definition for that and as far as I have experienced, in the many years as a feeder and feedee, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO CHANGE THE PLACE WHERE IT PUTS ON. Your body will get the shape it will get. But there are variations, everybody is unique and you will be able to tell if it is unhealthy, because if it does not raise your blood pressure, and does nothing to your blood work, then you are healthy and even the "bad" fat that grows inside won't harm you. You have to use a more scientific method of thinking: Many people sadly don't. They just think to know that being fat is being unhealthy, they never go research how, they just believe it. And when I ask them when they want to lose weight "hmm, do you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or diabetes?" and they answer no, I then ask them "why do you think you are unhealthy then?" and they don't have an answer to it.
8 years

Looking for friends: fellow feeders and feedees in the sf bay area

I feel isolated in real life. I have tons of online friends, but they are well, just online. I want to have REAL friends, in REAL LIFE, people that I can talk on the phone, that I can meet and give support, as well as get support from, about gaining and helping them gain, as well as other things. Knowing that they know what I'm into is something I crave immensely and I miss it so much.

I would be open to people in other areas, but then again the distance would make meeting pretty impossible, much less friendships that take place in real and everyday life.
Or am I the only person that wants this?
8 years
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