Bigger you get

Of course as you get fatter you will require more calories just to maintain your weight. However if you overeat regularly, your stomach will expand and allow greater capacity. That coupled with a snacking habit which keeps you full throughout the day will have the desired results!

When I was 200-lbs. I began to eat more and snack in between food. I continue to snack some more. The more you weigh; the more food that you will consume.
2 years

How big/heavy were you when your belly started becoming it's own part?

So I'm 5'3 and female and i think my belly started to hang recently when I got around 200lbs. I also started to feel ot jiggle when i laugh or feel it move when i walk faster.

It started around 200-lbs. when my belly was starting to hang. After gaining forty more pounds; it jiggles when I’m walking.
2 years


I started waddling at 240-lbs.
2 years

I got stuck!!

Restaurant booths are my biggest challenge. When dining out with my mother and sister, I gotten stuck in a booth; but managed to get out.
2 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

I’m noticing that my clothes are getting smaller (getting harder to fit in a size 24 jeans). My face has fattened out some more; and my belly is getting much rounder and fatter. The restaurant booths are getting smaller as I get fatter. I’m embracing my fatness.
2 years

When did your appetite increase?

When I was 200-lbs., my appetite began to increase. Soon after, I ate double the amount of food like two meals from McDonald’s or Burger King. Then, I would snack in between meals like eat a package of Oreo cookies in one setting or a bag of chips. Therefore, I gained a substantial amount of weight. I topped out at 253-lbs.
2 years

Clothes don't fit anymore

There’s gonna be a lot of money made on all the weight gain as people find out there’s clothes from a year ago don’t fit... I know I’ll have to go shopping soon.

I'm outgrowing the clothes from last year. Growing into another size.
2 years

Fat on furniture

Gosh, lawn chairs are scary

When I was 225-lbs., I bent a lawn chair due to my weight.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in


As for now, I can't, I have put on enough weight that it just shows too much. When I suck in it is just as large as my stomach used to be without sucking in. Plus my double chin has gotten a lot larger so there is no point to try and hide it anymore.

I wouldn't suck my stomach in and for what reason? Be proud that you're fat.
3 years

What’s your everyday gluttony?

Cookies and ice cream on a nightly basis before going to bed.
3 years
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