Does stuffing arouse you?

ohh yesss! ;-) smiley

and i would so love to experience a girl using that against my still not so big belly ;-)
11 years

Women feeders/mutual gainers?

hehe oh yes i like it whe such a slim girl gaines weight ;-) i would love to encourage you a little hihi

maybe i get hungry doing it and gain a little myself ^^....

I just love to talk about those things ....
11 years

Question for ffa- body type

hmmm that was al very interesting to read of you ladies thoughts ^^

And i would love to just let a girl shape my belly to her desires maybe witha little bit of rsistance at first ;-)

and i would love to try slimming down again some time and get seduced again to eat more and gain back just a little more be shocked about how chubby i got again ;-)from beeing so fit once ...
11 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

i would love to try this a few times ^^ it´s such a turn on getting fatter cause your gf likes it and is eager to get some swelling prove of her efforts on you ^^

and you can always say it´s not your fault ;-)
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Garfield wrote:
markpearson89 wrote:
My evil feeder fantasy involve an attractive woman feeder who progresses from a loving effectionate hostess to an emotional munipulator and finally (as i'm approaching immobility) a forcefull dominatrix. The kind of woman who feeds you just a few more bites at the end of a somewhat large meal where you've already eaten all you can. Just enough to strech your stomach that tiny amout it takes to increase your appetite a little each time. Using "it's not enough to put away and we can't waste it, so eat up." as a cover, but she always makes a serving more you can realistically eat without a little push. Then as you notice your getting a little heavier and become reluctant, she pays the emotional card like, "but you love my cooking...I made it just for you..." with a pout, then a kiss on the cheek after you cave in and eat." Then finally as you're approaching obesity and maybe even considering leaving to save whats left of your social life, she becomes more forcefull in her approach. Seducing you into rediculous binges, rewarding you with sexual favors for completing your meals, late night and early morning suprize force feedings for insubordination. Along with a smug attitude because she knows no matter what your objections are you'll always be to full and tired and as soon as your not you'll crave the food and sex. Occasionally she'll deprive her victim, and they'll beg for it.

Yeah i'm a weirdo.

I like it...

oh that was very hot and descriptive ;-)

i want that feeder girl yeah ^^
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

weighting4u wrote:
As long as I can remember, this has been a fantasy for me. Not being force fed, but kind of tricked somehow, or not knowing my boyfriend was trying to fatten me up, but just getting really fat under his influence and slowly realizing how excited he was by it. There is something in the struggle to fight gaining weight that is part of the turn on. That's why the intentional weight gain, or as someone mentioned, being "lovingly fed with gentle belly rubs" is really not for me. Submitting to it, going along, wanting to be fat, ruins it for me. That's just me.

OH thanks ! would have never been able putting it so clear ;-) i love that and maybe even getting lured seduced and tempted to go a bit over the edge of what i myself find sexy on me.
And maybe even try when realizing getting to chubby to try get back in shape but be totally dependent if your gf let´s you ;-) hehe

i wish that will happen in real life if ever at least in a lsight way ^^
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

newenglander wrote:
Certainly most people at the gym look negatively at fat, but I wonder how many FAs join gyms for sightseeing?

haha it´s funny but when i was at the gym about 6 years agao very stadily i wans´t even thinking about chubby girls hmm maybe only at the sauna i watched if some girl has gained but sitting in a sauna at a gym there wasnt many sexy ladies who gained :-(
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Igor Olman wrote:
It's a vicious circle. You get fat, so you get out of condition and embarrassed about exercising, which makes you get fatter.

Sorry, did I say vicious? I meant virtuous smiley

hehe since it´s always very hard for me to gain i would find it very nteresting having a gf show likes to get me into this virtous circle ^^ and she catches me when seeing my belly in the morning in front of the mirror and wondering about how i did get this chubby when i was always so fit and sproty before ^^
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

suckingitin wrote:
I can't help but fantasize how this would feel with another 40 or 50 pounds on me. I am fascinated by the jiggle. I almost wished someone had been there teasing me with every labored step!!!! I am such a fatty now!smileysmileysmiley

hehe yeah that sounded like me haha although i haven´t gained this much like ou little chubby one ^^ i would definately be interested in having a gf who would love to check out my fitness with every 10kg she makes me gain and then teases me about how i let myslef get out of shape so fast ^^;-) (major turn on for me that would be ) but i , too, would have loved to tease you little fatty having no breath after that short period and short distance tsts you little faty only eating and no sports ;-) although 30kg of gain would be a little to much for my taste in a girl i´m sure it feels very exciting when your belly jiggles where it never did before when you jogged ^^ oh love to talk about that ;-)
11 years

Weight gain progression photos

ChubbyDebby wrote:
Before @ 120-ish

After @ 160-ish

hmm...^^ that´s so very sexy to imagine one beeing responsible for this nice padding on our sexy body ;-)looks really great !
What a difference a year makes.
11 years