Definite underagers banned

maikerfle 2 months,

maikerfle ยป -Aphrodite- reply chat
i've discovered this site when i was 16, but i just registered a few months ago(i'm 17 now)

Said this in public chat lol. Banned for a year.
6 years

Definite underagers banned

a134 6 months,

yoshiko reported him for being underage:

um the a134 guy a while back like a month ago was soliciting me and on feab too
and admitted he was a minor
he's also a creep >.<

yeah hes a perv like he started hisa feabie conbo with can I have naked pics

nstead of indulging him I asked his age which he was dodgy so I got suspicious
and I answeered a couple of his random questions he asked for nekidz again and I asked him his age and he said something like fine neverming blah blah he was a minor so I blocked him

Banned him.
6 years


PiggyBoy 17 hours,

His details changed a little. What an exceptional fellow to tell you all this.
6 years

New member is possibly a scammer?

Not sure how to report this, but I believe I've been approached by a new member hoping to obtain my personal data and banking information.

You can report someone by clicking the grey flag on their profile and filling out a couple of lines. An admin will investigate it and possibly contact you to find out more.
6 years

What causes a thread to be deleted?

From what I can tell, your thread was removed as it involved asking for money to finance your gain, which is not permitted under the rules for gifts.
6 years


No response from them, but someone else reported them:

m1KeY 12 hours
profile: This person is a scammer. They invited me to Kik and started asking me for money.

Hmm, I wonder if they're a scammer deal gone sour.
6 years

Fake females thread 3

CuteFeeder 4 days,
AddictedEater 3 months,

Was reported that CF used photos of different women, discovered this. Banned it and gave AE (male) a few days off.
6 years


Ftgtgu Rg H 3 hours
profile: Help Me, He Trued To Rape Me!!!!!

Alrighty, what's all this about? Going to contact them and find out more. Noting their email too.

Ftgtgu Rg H 5 months,'>
6 years

Harassment thread

vulto 2 months,'>
lolraclol2 3 years,

Ghostfruit 4 hours
profile: user is making new accounts to continue harrassing me after i've already blocked him on this account.
Ghostfruit 4 hours
profile: made a new fake profile to continue harassing me after i already blocked his first profile

Banned vulto and gave lolraclol2 a few days off, have ordered him to cease contacting Ghostfruit. I remember he sent in a smartass report the other day about snowflakes on here so I'm not surprised he's like this.
6 years

Harassment thread

Lexluther 4 months,

gretel 8 hours
profile: He was being very nasty

She sent in a report but it's a little confusing, I cleaned it up a bit:

Where's your friend Hansen?
11 mins
7 mins

4 mins
3 mins

That was wide open .
2 mins
1 min
so you're gross ok

XD are you mad
Posting pictures of your nasty body
And a nastier personality
14 secs

Lexluther has entered


Lexluther has left

Lexluther has entered

Lexluther has left

Lexluther has entered

Since you want to be an as whole...I got something for you
Just wait

Lexluther has left
Is that why you've tried messaging everyday? for having a nasty body?

Lexluther has left

I gather he said she had a nasty body and nasty personality, she reported him and also laughed at him saying her body is nasty considering he's messaged her daily. Have given him 3 days off.
6 years