Discomfort while sleeping - maybe a firmer surface?

I don't know if this is solely the result of weight gain, but this is something I've only noticed as I've gained. But, I've noticed some discomfort while sleeping, that I didn't seem to experience even 20 lbs ago.

It's a slight soreness in my back when I wake up, possibly because I didn't roll over very much. I wonder if the surface is perhaps too soft, and thus sank in too deeply.

It's getting a bit annoying to deal with each morning. A couple times I even woke up in the middle of the night because of this, I think.

The curious thing though, is that I'm not close to clinical obesity.

I wonder if others have dealt with this, and what the solution was? Would a firmer sleeping surface help, perhaps?

I know that I'm not done gaining. I'd like to gain at least 40 lbs more, likely more than that. But this seems like a problem I would have to fix eventually.

EDIT: In retrospect this probably belongs in the "Lifestyle tips" message board but I can't move it. Whoops!
4 years

Thicc thighs?

I'm still at level 2, and it seems I'm possibly close to level 3 but not quite there.

I'm not sure how much more weight I will have to gain to graduate to level 3.

Under the typical guidelines of determining thigh gap (both feet are lined up and touching) I'm not quite there yet. When I do that, the upper part of my thighs and the knees touch, but there's still a space in between at the thinnest part, which is about 4 inches above the knee.

I wonder how much more weight I will need to gain for there to be no gap at all from the crotch area down to the knees. I think I will need to gain a couple more inches, which would put me at two feet of nice, thicc leg meat. Hopefully my arms will also exceed a foot around by that point.
4 years

Measuring as a turn on


Keeping old clothes around is another great way of measuring. I still kick myself that I got rid of some of the stuff I wear in my older pix since I'd be popping buttons on some of them now. smiley

After the virus crisis is over, one option might be to go to thrift stores like GoodWill and get smaller clothes.

If anyone asks, say it's a gift for other family members.

This won't be quite the same but it might be a similar feeling.
4 years

Increasing appetite.

I don't know about permanently.

If I take too long of a break from stuffing it seems my appetite goes back down and I have to work on increasing it again.

It also still seems like a triple burger (there's 3/4's of a pound of beef on that burger) combo from Whataburger will still satisfy. I want to get to the point where it won't be enough.

Is there a point where the dam will break so to speak, and it will stay higher?
4 years

Being fat = better orgasms?

So far, yes.

But I think that was likely in part due to the fact my earlier comparison point was when I was on the verge of being underweight. So it's likely I just didn't have enough energy to accommodate sexual sensations very well.

It will be interesting to see what happens when I cross over into being officially overweight and even clinically obese. I hope that more weight will make orgasms more satisfying. If so, that's another reason to gain weight.

It will also be interesting to see what other replies there are to this thread. I wonder if the effects may be different for women than it is for men.
4 years

The goal or the journey?

I guess for me, it's been more about the journey than the destination.

I suppose sometimes I wonder what I would actually look like if I could, for example, gain 50+ lbs overnight so I'm left guessing. There are these body visualizers but they can't be accurate as folks carry weight in different areas. So, I guess there's only one way to find out!

So yeah, observing the slow changes of expansion, quarter inch by quarter inch, centimeter by centimeter, inch by inch. Seeing the number on the scale slowly increase pound by pound. Needing slightly larger quantities just to feel satisfied. Noticing some clothes getting ever tighter, trying to anticipate when I need to upgrade to the next size to avoid a double belly (some folks like that idea, I don't), or other milestones.

I can't say for sure if I will necessarily meet a particular goal, or if I will overshoot it, or if I'll set another goal when I get close to reaching the current one. Every time I have achieved a goal or got close, I set a new goal. I don't know at what point I'd like to stop.

I do feel a sense of satisfaction and achievement when I reach a goal, but so far each time I do I want more.
4 years

10 days trip

Uh! Alright thanks smiley So people who had bursts of gain with heavy cream aren't for real? I thought i had documented myself correctly... what do you think would happen if i still do it? Nothing? I just can't imagine how overeating and using heavy cream for 10 days wouldn't affect my body.

Many will say it is real. I've seen the delay effect happen on me, but not in an extreme manner. Many have said they have seen this happen after a week or two, and I concur. I'm not sure why this is, though.

A better idea may be to try to gain 10 lbs, however long that might take.

You might miss a day or two here and there with the cream, and that's okay. Even more important not to be limited to just 10 days.
4 years

Shopping list for a feedee!

Probably Aldi. They have cheap heavy cream.


I kind of hate to slightly high-jack the thread since the OP is British, but it seems simple enough to not warrant it's own thread.

I haven't been to Aldi for a very long time, so I don't really have a frame of reference. Last time I went, I felt like I was herded almost like cattle and the shopping cart rent rubbed me the wrong way.

But cheaper than Wal-Mart's $3.12 or $4.48 (store brand vs. Land of Lake brand, respectively) ? That's for a quart.

Wal-Mart also has half & half for $2.98; that's store brand and for half a gallon.

I do like the self-checkout that Wal-Mart has; I can avoid judgement or weird looks. If I use a regular cashier, I don't like to get more than 2 quarts of cream or more than 2 half gallons of half & half at once.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

I find it revolting, plain and simple. So do most other men.

It's true that most men don't seem to attempt to remove it, but since I'm not gay it doesn't matter.

Since I make a point of keeping body hairs to a minimum and always keep a clean shaven face, at the very least she can do the same thing. In addition to shaving, I'm trying one of those at-home laser hair removal regimens since I have pale skin and dark hair, the most ideal combination for such devices.

Armpit hair is especially disgusting. I might be able to deal with trimmed pubic hair, but I won't be pleased.

Regardless of what I might think, the general consensus in public is no body hair. Older individuals may be more tolerant of pubic hair on women. The trend is towards less and less. I read somewhere that 45% of men age 35 and under remove all pubic and body hair, and it's increasing.
4 years

Have you ever been scared off at any point about this fetish? fas, feedees & feeders/resses welc

Occasionally, yes. But the feelings usually subside.

When I was much younger, back in the pre-puberty days, I was scared in the sense that I had a hard time coming to terms with it. But times were different then, and everyone, especially Americans were much thinner.

Back in those days, folks in general were much thinner and the pressure was thus, much greater. The World Wide Web was just taking off.

Sometimes I wonder if the younger members understand just how good they have it in this regard. The body positivity movement, and the fact almost every clothing brand offers larger clothing sizes. Even as recently as '08, plus-size mannequins were very rare; now they're everywhere. I'm not aware of any clothing brand that won't offer at least 44" waist/18" neck/2XL in men's, or at least a size 18 in ladies, with some that go up to 22 or 24. That you don't have to wear ugly clothes that frankly don't flatter anyone. Not anymore. But I digress.

For a long time, I think I actually suppressed a desire to be much heavier. For a long time, I even had a hard time eating most of the time, and I didn't want to come to terms with this. Lots of possible reasons. Depression maybe? Or fear of change? Or fear or being scared to finally embrace it?

I tried the occasional stuffing here and there. Two large size milkshakes in one go, or straight heavy cream here and there rarely; nothing too major.

But at some point, I decided to finally do something about it. 125 lbs really was too skinny, even by non-feederism standards. Between the suppressed desire, the fact feedees/gainers seem to have a lot of fun eating, and a bit a curiosity, I thought I'd go for it.

There's also the fact that in nearly all couples with a BBW, the man is also heavy. And life is too short to be unhappy in all things. If I didn't like it, surely I could stop at 10 lbs.

Even though I was kind of scared at first, for the last almost 2 years I've been gaining on purpose. Every time I gained, I wanted to gain more. I wondered if I was going to get comments, but I haven't really gotten any, at least not to my face from anyone in public. I'm still working on a weight gain goal.

Nowadays, I have less fear, but sometimes it still rears it's head. It may be just because I'm in my 30s, so if someone random in the general public doesn't care for it, it doesn't really matter.

There are two things I still fear though. One is what my mother might say. I know I can't let her control my life, but at the same time I don't want, and can't really cast her away.

Traditionally, she hasn't always said the nicest things about fat people. Lacking self-control or other such things, or "this obese lady eating a couple really big pieces of cake" (as if she's not supposed to). Although, there have been some fat, or at least chubby or plump individuals she respects. I'm just not sure what she might say if her son weighs 170, or 200, or 220 so I'm still scared of that.

She also doesn't know that I prefer women who weigh at least 200-250ish, although I have a solution to deal with that whenever that comes. I'll just tell my mother that I love her, think she's cool, and that I don't mind. If it's a real, serious relationship I wouldn't even have to lie. My mother did once say out loud without prompting that I could go out with someone who's heavy, because "she can lose the weight later." Of course, unless she's so big that day to day, independent life is no longer possible, I'm not going to apply any such pressure. That's not happening.

I guess you could say I'm still afraid of a moment of truth, or an ultimatum, whether it's being given one, or having to give one. But maybe this fear is overblown.

Speaking of, I'm not sure what to expect when I'm 200 or 220. This is uncharted territory for me.

However, despite these feelings, I still nevertheless plan to eat larger quantities of delicious, fatty food, drinking heavy cream shakes, half & half like milk, baked sweet goods, slathering on butter or cream cheese on bread and bagels, triple burgers with bacon (that have 3/4 of a pound of beef), etc.

Still going to ensure at least 3,000 calories a day and at least a cup of heavy cream, that I hope to increase to at least 4,000 calories on average and at least a pint of cream every day. Despite the fears I've mentioned, I would still like to be at least 180 lbs this summer, ideally 200.
4 years