Actually, after having been in this community for quite a while, capacity is absolutely an issue for most people starting out. grazing is also good advice, but it isnt as effective from what i've seen. also, yes I know things are expensive, but maybe one could find equipment second hand.. you must be incredibly bored and unfulfilled to hop on here and try to police other people's advice.
I hope that you are seeing an immunologist for what appears to be a severe allergy to nuance.
Also, who in the world is buying second-hand equipment to improve their capacity? What equipment are they even using? Please, make it make sense.
Sure, you can get fatter faster by eating a shit ton of food, but that's putting your wallet on a diet. It's not necessarily expensive to stretch out your stomach, but it gets extremely expensive once your appetite increases. And how are you going to maintain your food expenses when you don't have money to buy food? Now you gotta eat less while dealing with hunger pains on top of all of that.
You might have been in this community longer than I have, but that doesn't make you above people adding to what you've said. You don't know and cannot know everything. Hell, I have formal education on my side, and people who do not have my background add really good points to things I say all the time.
It's not that deep, beloved.