Stronger than your man

maybe it´s not the same i would understand under girl beeing stronger than me ^^.

For em it would be hot if a fit or slightly chubby girl tries to get me chubby enough that i have to realize the change that she is getting fitter compared to me and more enduring.
So that in certain situations i would realize oh my belly got to fat.It is getting harder for me than before to fight and struggle with her in bed when she tries to fight for dominance ^^.
So with time and more belly i would get exhausted earlier and have to give up .
So she wins in doing more sit ups than me is faster than me or can run away and i´m not able to catch her when she poked and teased me before ^^.
So i have to really start getting in shape before she is stronger and more dominant than me .
11 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

teasing is only good for me when done by someone who k ows my likings for it ....and generally loves to induce that tunr on in me because of the teasing and my knowing that she loves my chubb and only teases me cause i and she likes it .
11 years

Fit women humiliating fat men?

I guess there are not soo many fit girls left here who could really himiliate me or other men here ^^

although i really tried to get a little more chubby i think i´m still fit enough for a little situp running or anything challenge ;-) against a girl so humiliating would only be effectful if she would make me a little more unfit with every day until she is fit enough to beat me and then tease me badly about how this could happen to me sportsguy ;-) .

11 years

Test fitness as i gain

ah that is such a hot topic hehe ...i would love to have sort of evil doctor girl who fattens me up on one hand and tries to measure my fitness afterwards and tell me how i changed and that i got fat here there and now to really show me make some comparable fitnesstests after every 5kg of weight gain :-)
11 years

Fatter bf

hehe god luck but can´t help you really cause i always had the same kind of metabolism ;-)
11 years

23/f/looking for relationship

i would love that but you are a little far away for me ;-( to jsut say hello and see if we find each other sympathically^^
11 years

Role play secretely fattening

i would only like to play this in real life to a certain point and it would be nicer if the girl and i both agree like a bit talking about it and then pretending we don´t know about.
And then we can try all sort of seductiction coaxing maybe even try to induce like a pawlov reflex ^^ making love getting hungry eating getting horny again making love ....hehe
and of course all those nice tricks to sneak up more calories in the drinks and meals of your partner ;-).
For me it would only be suitable when it´s more happening in a sweet way with some naughty thoughts everbody can live out in the feeding fantasy with the sort of content of your significant other half ^^.
11 years

I want to be so stuffed that..

thst i can´t do any situps anymore ...

....that i can´t see all the skin under my belly button the next day even when sucking in ^^

...that when i try to situp in bed besides a lovely girl i can´t kiss her cause my belly makes us only a few cm apart from each other

...that i can´t put on my pants from last night

...that when a girl tickles me i can´t run after her to give it back to her but stop breathlessly and tell her next time i will get her (hehe sure)

...tht with all the fatty foods i ate i weight 2 kg more the next day and my belly still sticks out enough so even with sucking in i can´t hide it anymore^^
11 years

The most erotic thing an fa or ffa can hear........

luvschubyangels wrote:
Talking about one's weight is usually not done, so any time a guy talks about how big he is is pretty hot. I've never fed anyone in person though except an ex who wasn't really into it, so it's just stuff said online.

My favorite word is butterball, anything referencing that is awesome. Love "tubby" too. "I'm becoming a real butterball, aren't
I?" "Getting fat." "I'm getting really fat aren't I?" "Am I too big for you?" "I can't get these pants buttoned!" "I can't move", while sitting in a chair after eating. And him patting his belly while he says any of that is insanely hot.

Once someone made a slightly vore reference about Thanksgiving if we possibly got together. "I'd be the biggest Butterball there." I nearly c*me in my pants. smiley

I've talked to a couple of guys about letting me embarass them slightly while out in public, like wearing a tshirt that's too tight and having his belly hanging out a couple inches below. "if I'm too embarassed, can I hug you and hide my belly against you?" and "Will you hold my hand?" also make me nuts.

Talking about weight in any way though pushes my buttons, it's so rare for anyone to be willing to do so.

oh this is cute^^
if my belly ever pokes out under my shirt after a big meal i would trun to you thenhiding it and holding our hand ^^
11 years

My wife finally commented ....

i would say in vino veritas ^^ m freind she likes it so mch but doesn´t dare to say it when she is sober and not so brave i wuld guess .

and such a nice story thanks for sharing hehe
11 years