First all day stuffing/bloat

Just concern yourself with stuffing and eat as much as you can thru out the day.
I graze a lot thru out the day so try that and just eat more than you usually do.
Bloating with liquid your first time out may not be something you want to do.
Don't expect to get huge or see a big change the first time doing this.
3 years

I might start tomorrow.

Gaining weight takes a lot of effort on your part and if you are just having a fantasy maybe you need to leave it a fantasy.
If you are not sure or have doubts then don't gain a lot.
Most gainers have no doubt in their mimds on what they want to do and how fat they want to be.
3 years

I need advice

Please do tell us how it goes.
Nothing to be afraid of just be honest with him.
3 years

I need advice

If you are interested in him how about asking him out for coffee and see if you have anything in common.
Its not that hard and remember you are the only one stopping yourself.
You obviously are looking for a possible relationship so hiding isn't going to make it happen.
3 years

Usual fast food order and what resturant?

Mostly a meat lovers type pizza. Fruit on a pizza is just wrong lol
3 years

Usual fast food order and what resturant?

I stopped eating at McDonalds back in 2010 my stomach just knots up and hurts really bad.
I love the taste of a big mac but I just can't eat them anymore.
If I order a pizza I get the biggest they offer.
Any fast food place as far as sandwiches I get 2 usually plus fries and a shake.
I could eat more of course but lunchtime is only so long.
At a restaurant if I am by myself I will order a normal dinner and several items a la carte to help me feel stuffed.
Buffets are my weakness and I eat A LOT of food at them.
My BF is a big guy and I can out eat him most of the time.
3 years

What kind of scale is better? digital or dial?

Don't fall for or think you have to have the newest hot thing on the market.
Keep things simple and that actually work and will continue to work.
IMO if you keep things like scales simple you are better off.
3 years

What the.....?

Chunky your first paragraph was right on point.
I have told a few guys no and suddenly I am a bitch and a bad person.
I can tell by a guy's profile what kind of person they are 60% of the time. Same with women.
I was on feabie when it first went active and left after a month because the people were rude disgusting and generally unfriendly.
3 years

What kind of scale is better? digital or dial?

I have an analog that goes to 300 but not all that accurate its about 7 pounds lower than my digital scale.
Digital is what like because once it beeps and locks in my weight I can step off to see it.
3 years

What the.....?

Or you are cautious about who you speak with.
I only respond after I check his profile.
You can't force people to talk to you so getting upset over it is kind of childish.
3 years