
gretel 7 hours
profile: being gross Ch5ActionNews has entered Hey You there, piglet? I want to chat I'm a feeder from the Pittsburgh area Lookin for a lil baby girl to fatten up to my liking smiley Cute profile pic btw You're already lookin pretty chunky haha Why so qu

6 years


cutiewithabooty sent this in about his last account:

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly I am not surprised by that considering his behavior. I no longer have the chat logs unfortunately. But he has since created a new profile called ezekial234 and messaged me calling me "a rat fink lesbo feminist" he also claimed to be able to conceal his IP address so he can "always find me". This i find particularly disconcerting but i will again block him. Thanks again for your help!

Wonderful guy.
6 years


Yep, that's his ugly mug, I'd recognise it anywhere. IP banned.
6 years

Blacklisted members

Will edit this to flesh out and keep a proper record of the worst offenders, ones who haven't shown any remorse and/or who continue to harass people whenever they return somehow. This is so they can be watched out for easier. Might list some others like repeated trolls too, I will see.

whisperobscenities/bonzo/James Philips:
-By far the worst troll we've ever had on FF. James is a British fellow who has evaded countless IP bans and has consistently spewed all kinds of slurs you can think of, against race, trans, gay, you name it, along with repeatedly harassing women, trying to tell them what kind of content to post, had a real hate on for a former moderator, spammed many, many abusive emails to us, and he often complains about message limits/etc.

A Dutch fellow who keeps posing as a moderator so he can threaten women with bans if they don't talk to him. Also acts like women are automatically submissive to him if they're fat so he launches into forcing his domination on them, and if they defend themselves against him he reports them for being rude. Also possibly blackmailed another member for nudes (unconfirmed).

This mulletted Wisconsinite told a former moderator that she would die early because of her weight so that people may as well make use of her for the time being. Hated on much bigger women, compared gainers to hoarders, said his own thoughts could be placed in psych studies. Has also complained about gays (a lot), Muslims and feminists. He always shows his face and tends to use animal or Lord of the Rings type names, so he's easy to spot.

xdestinyx/French island guy
A French guy called Roberto, keeps spamming the same message titled 'for the eternity' to many women to come and live with him on his 'paradise looking island'. He was merely annoying before, but he can turn very nasty indeed when told to get lost as he told someone about plunging a heated knife into their neck to drain the toxic grease from them, and calling someone else a retarded scamming troll. Tends to use profile photos of food and names with x's in them as above.

robiH/Robert Hanke
German guy, likes fattening up the young 🤢 For obvious reasons he hasn't been allowed on here for a long, long time.

British chronic photo thief, was blacklisted from here a long time ago for stealing many women's photos and placing them on his own site. Also likes taking photos of SSBBWs secretly.

A Brit who has consistent anger issues, rude, swearing, called a woman an ugly slag/etc. Very aggressive. It seems he was also removed from Feabie for stalking and blackmailing women for sexual favours.

Was a normal enough Californian who once had problems with trans people, then he snapped and started making racist slurs and trying to crash the chat by spamming the backslash key.

Very obnoxious young British fellow who had a theme of being a fat Batman feedee. Repeatedly passive aggressive and has been homophobic, and has also harassed people for being muslim, and has also kink shamed people and won't leave them alone. Acts like he's joking around and also runs to moderators and tries to suck up to them whenever he raises someone's ire. It also turned out that all his photos were stolen mainly from a gay guy on Tumblr, so he's a photo thief as well.

Another Brit, this one is affable enough but he has a couple of major flaws. One - he's got way too much of a Nazi fetish. He once boasted about being half-British and German, 'the worlds two greatest empires' as he put it, and he's also called people 'untermenchen'. The second problem, which resulted in his ban, was that he tried to lure a number of other FF Brits into a meetup/party secretly hosted by fitness guru Danni Levy, vouching for her and everything. It is not known why he did this, but he was banned for this deception. Exercise caution with this one.

Very gross Canadian fellow who harasses women about their... hygiene in detail and won't stop it. The word 'cheese' was used, for example. 🤢 Fortunately he kept showing his face as well so he was also easy to spot.
6 years


Lexluther 2 hours
profile: Uses racial slurs ...never really talked to her but apparently she hates me..hmmm wonder why

BaconGreasePiggy 10 hours, Sunny808Makaha@gmail.com

I can believe it. Investigating.

Edit: Just noting a guy accusing her of being a scammer here too:

Back again:

OpalThePiggy 11 hours, OpalPiggyoink@gmail.com
6 years


aardvark9 4 hours, aleaiataest123@gmail.com

6 years


tyrconnel 3 months, windinthewillows@protonmail.com

cutiewithabooty 2 hours
profile: Prejudice and homophobic insults again and again i have saved the chat logs for evidence. I am VERY upset by how i have been treated by this person please can you tell me how i can stop them contacting me or remove them from this site?

He's using a Canadian IP but his location says California/etc. Same age and weight and he's showing some of his face again, it's him.

name: tyrconnel
about me: Am something of an explorer, a curious, investigative, analytic sort of person with a suitable background in physics and electrical engineering. Have a couple of kids, dad, brother, and a house and a car (s40 volvo) that I own outright.
looking for: Hello. Value intelligence, kindness, health, knowledge, talent, wisdom, flexibility, humor, and skill. Am fairly open to a wide range of weight on a woman from around 120 - 300 pounds.

Same wordy rambling about himself too. Disgusting bastard. Have IP banned him again and asked cutie to supply the screenshots to log his behaviour.
6 years

Fake females thread 3

Might be a good idea, will look into it.

Edit: Have disabled her account for now, the flood of reports calling her fake has just gotten too much. I'm thinking we were provided with an edited photo. It is oddly blurry. Apparently all the photos they've uploaded are old ones. She's also not the same woman as the previous one so I'm thinking both are lies.

It would be pretty useful too if all these guys sourced some stuff of course like as who they think the pics are stolen from, but that's expecting too much of them I guess.
6 years

Fake females thread 3

SSBBW Monika 2 days, tablebreak986@gmail.com

It seems to be real, she gave proof? So weird... have unsuspended her account. Hopefully no guys will try reporting it as fake.
6 years