What makes heavy cream have its effects?

Don't really know. Just seems like a magical fat potion that can be sort of addictive.

Got to avoid it, unless of course... you maybe *want* or even need to explode out of your clothes!

I do so much want to explode out of my clothes.
5 years

Notifications blank page

I clicked the bell icon to check notifications and I got blank page.
5 years

Non-fa dating site secret signs ;)

I don't think secret phrases will do any good. Back when I used dating sites (found my fiance at okcupid) I said something like "I'm fat and not interested in dieting". So, I got me a fat wife and she got a fat and growing husband.
5 years


What does everyone consider a NON-consumer scale? How do you determine a scales accuracy?

The problem I keep having with scales is that readings may be clustered around the true weight, but can vary by 10 pounds either way. This is decent accuracy but dreadful precision. Frequently I find dreadful accuracy too.

To determine a scale's accuracy, you repeatedly place a calibration weight on the scale and write down the reading. Add them up and divide by number of readings. Now check the difference between the result and the true weight of the calibration weight. That's your measure of accuracy.

Precision is also important. Look at your reading and see how far each of them are from the average reading. That's your measure of precision. You can have all your readings in a tight group, but far off the real number and still be "precise".

Google for precision vs accuracy for more on this, especially bullseyes.
5 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

I used to be until I met my girlfriend's college friend who is at least 150 pounds heavier than I am. I think I'm about as big as her husband.
5 years

What's your ideal vacation?

Somewhere I can gorge all day long on a wide variety of foods and come back home in a week 30 pounds heavier.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

That commission page displays nothing.
5 years

Measure your belly overhang challenge

I have a similar game I play privately. A month or so ago, I noticed that the bottom of my belly is getting very close to touching the surface of the bathroom counter. So when I get ready for bed, I'm usually pretty stuffed, so I check how close my belly is to the counter. Until a few days ago, I was only able to get it to touch only by lifting and dropping my belly, smacking it on the counter. As of last night, it gingerly brushes the counter. I'm eagerly awaiting the night when I can walk up there and find my belly splayed out upon the counter.
5 years


I was so sure that I breached 330 pounds today. I found a scale kiosk at a drug store. Hopefully that would be accurate and not prone to wild swings like the consumer-grade bathroom scales I've been using. But, alas, I was only 327. But I am up three pounds from last month, so there's that.

Does anyone else here get this way? I want to be gaining at least five to eight pounds a month.
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

250 pounds. Also, I'm the fattest guy she's ever been with. We're getting married.
5 years