Resizing jewelry, rings in particular? experiences?

I stopped wearing my ring because it is too tight. I want to get it resized

I don't know about there but where I am, there's a shopping mall nearby with a shop that will resize rings and they want $50 for it. Does it while I wait (unless they're busy with another job ), and it takes about half an hour. Just a thought.

I'm assuming Philadelphia is large enough to have a shop like that locally.

Watch out for jewelry stores though. Some of them don't have the ability to resize on site, and it takes too long for them to ship it to the service center, do it, and get it back. Call ahead if you aren't certain the place can resize on site.
4 years

Resizing jewelry, rings in particular? experiences?

I wasn't sure if this should fit into the Lifestyle, or the Gaining message board. I went with this one, since this could be a problem even for those who aren't trying to gain on purpose.

So, there's often a bit of talk about outgrowing clothes and having to upgrade to the next size up. In a way, this makes sense since upon gaining weight, the most substantial differences are for clothes.

But, I almost never read about having to adjust ring size.

I think one of my rings will have to be readjusted now, possibly as a result of weight gain. I've had to move it to my pinky, as it causes discomfort from pinching some blood vessels. I fear at some point it might cause gangrene (NSFW/NSF-Life warning if you look it up) unless I resize it.

So I guess I'm wondering... with a resize, how much more weight might I be able to gain before I'd have to resize again?

BBW and BHM typically have soft sausage fingers, but they usually aren't all that much thicker than that of the hand of someone of similar height who is fairly skinny, from what I've noticed.

What are your experiences on this?
4 years

Measuring as a turn on

I'm not into shame and embarrassment, so anyone coming to me with that will be told where to stick it. I'm only answering because of whether I get a kick out of measuring.

That said, I do like to take measurements of myself just to see how I've increased in size over time. Sometimes it helps if I'm feeling discouraged about not having gained enough.

I even have a spreadsheet with this information. I'm not always consistent with how often I measure, but there's enough data points that I can even plot graphs of things like weight, waist circumference, or thigh circumference and how it has increased over time.

I could even likely perform some linear regressions. Not to necessarily predict how heavy I will be at a certain time, as the rate of gain can vary or I may plateau sometimes. But things like how much more weight I might have to gain in order to add another inch to my biceps, or waist.

The kinds of measurements I like to measure are:

Note: Except for waist, you want to measure the cross section that's the thickest or fullest.

- Weight while wearing only underwear
- Bicep circumference (relaxed)
- Bicep circumference (flexed)*
- Tricep circumference
- Neck circumference
- Chest circumference
(Ladies may want to measure underbust as well)
- Waist high (couple inches above the belly button)
- Waist (at or about an inch or two below the belly button)
- Hip circumference
- Thigh circumference (thickest part is about a couple inches from the top of the inseam)
- Calf circumference (thickest part is about 40% of the way down from the knee to the ankle)

Being American I prefer pounds and inches, but being Excel I use a conversion factor for centimeters and kilograms. If you live elsewhere, you could do it the other way around.

*- There will be a difference in measurement between flexing your biceps and not. This may remain the same for awhile, but at a certain point there may be little difference if there's enough fat. However, you would likely have to be very heavy and obese with a very high degree of body fat, possibly with a BMI of 50+.
4 years

I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

Mainly, I'm just trying to get a new job. But whether it could possibly bite me in the ass later on. So I wonder if anyone else is worried about this?

It's partly the reason why I have never posted any pictures, in spite of having had a profile for 13 years and an ID number that's only 4 digits.

I do see that some folks simply post body profile pictures without a face. Is this reasonably safe, or is there something I'm missing?

It seems like it would be a shame if I didn't post pictures of myself growing wider and thicker.
4 years

Gaining and sexuality

My experience is a bit different from yours.

I am, and always have been a straight man. I simply don't have any kind of attraction to men. I also find body hair repugnant on myself or others, and men still usually don't remove it.

I too, started off as an FA, who likes to see when women gain to at least 200 lbs. I have some feederism tendencies, but they're only kind of intense if I think she's too thin, which would be anything under 200.

At a certain point, I think it was both a combination of being too thin (horrible that I used to be 120-125 at one point) and curiosity. Gainers seemed to be having so much fun, and surely... 10 more lbs wouldn't really be a game changer, if I didn't like it. There's also the fact there's no social advantage to being a thin man, and the average American male now weighs 200 lbs. I was sick of being too skinny, and decided to do something about it.

35 lbs later, I really enjoy it and I only want to gain more, grow thicker, and get a softer, wider butt. Sitting down is even more comfortable than it used to be, and I like how I can eat more than I used to, although I still want a larger appetite.

But, I've noticed something else. If anything, my desire for heavy women has only become more intense, almost more of a need than a want. Like how it's almost not even an option anymore.

I try to keep an open mind, and I know it depends greatly on her personality and who she is as a person, but if she is far too skinny, I just can't see it happening anymore. And I feel slightly terrible for saying this.

Under 150 really is far too thin now, unless I know for a fact she wants to gain a lot of weight. Like I said earlier, what I really want is 200-250, possibly more (give or take some). Has a bit to do with how she carries her weight, but it's got to be substantial.

I wonder if this will become even more intense as I get closer and closer to my weight gain goal. Only one way to find out!

Does this make any sense?
4 years

Who prefer to fatten their bellies or their breasts?

I most like it when my limbs get thicker. Can't wait until my thighs are 24" (two feet) around, and more (30"+). Or when my arms are over a foot around (so close now!). Or when my ass increases in circumference and width.

Of course, as I do this my gut grows more substantial.

Time will tell if this results in B-cup moobs or not.
4 years

How fat would you like to be?

Not sure if I already posted in this thread, and it's 32 pages. Things change with time, anyway. I might even post again later. Although so far, every time I gain weight I've wanted to gain more and be able to eat more.

The near term goal is 170 lbs, but I don't think I want to stop there. That's just about when I should be officially overweight according to BMI, so that seems like as good a milestone as any.

After that, 200 lbs. It's a psychological milestone, and 200 seems like a good, round number (no pun intended). It's also the average weight of an American man as of this writing, so any higher and I would be heavier than most of the population.

After that, 222 lbs. I know this sounds arbitrary, and it kind of is, but that's also 100 kgs, which like 200 lbs, seems like a nice, round number.

Of course, who's to say I'll stop there? Part of me wants to be 250, 270, or even larger.
4 years

Shaving fupa

Nair if you wanna shave it, I personally prefer shaven, and usually shave my gut as well

Doesn't that *burn* ?

Then the burning sensation lasts for days, made worse if boxer shorts or other underwear brushes against it for even a brief moment. Nothing else hurts so damn much. Plucking and threading is not even 1% of that discomfort, with waxing being even lower. Then when the pain does subside, the damn hair is coming back.

That's what often happens if I try to use hair removal cream down there. It's some sort of cruel turn of fate as I really dislike, and even disgusted by body, pubic, or armpit hair. I can't even look unless it's being removed.

So far I use a safety razor but I think I will want to try this at-home laser hair removal thing I recently acquired to see how well that helps. Even on the top setting it doesn't really burn at all; it's just slightly warm.
4 years

Who would you rather date?

Definitely #2.

Being an FA doesn't require her to be into this explicitly. It's also much easier to find someone who clearly doesn't mind being fat.

If anything, if she's the sort who's worried about not being skinny, it may even be a relief for her.

It also seems quite unlikely I'll meet someone who's into this, or will admit it, even to herself. But there's plenty of fat women out there, so they're far easier to find.

Also, for a relationship to work, a lot more things would have to shared. That I like to see weight gain is a pretty small part of who I am overall. She doesn't have to be into feederism in particular for it to work.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

Depends on the pizza, since some are much thicker and more substantial than others.

I'm going to talk about proportions since in theory, a pizza could be cut into any number of slices or worse, squares.

If a CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) thin crust frozen pizza, I can eat the entire thing in one sitting. But CPK thin crust isn't much at all, and even when on sale it's still a bit costly for what it is.

A large size Pizza Hut pan crust (assuming Meat Lover's), usually about 3/8's in one sitting, sometimes a little more. Depends on what else I eat along with it.

Eventually, I would like to be able to eat an entire large size Pizza Hut pizza in one sitting so a large will become my personal size. That way, additional pizzas will be needed when others are around and hungry.
4 years