Dating site and the movie feed

Twirly wrote:I think if I was honest and said I want a feeder partner like a addict wants his next hit I might see a reduction...



13 years

What's the best movie of 2011?

ithinkyouregrowingonme wrote:
The Black Swan.

Ah, really enjoyed this, aside from the immature teens who were in the row in front giggling about her pleasuring herself.

Seriously, forget age restrictions, movies need maturity restrictions. >.<
13 years

Confessions pt. 2

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote:
I have the biggest fear of uncircumcised penises. The thought of them makes me sick to my stomach, whereas other penises I don't care for either way.

This seems to be an American thing because I have never heard a girl from any other country have a problem with it.

I guess its ok if most American men are circumcised, but, at least in Australia, it tends to be more of a minority.
13 years

The fat one

Found this on a local news site and found it shared my frustration at the typecasting of fat characters in film/tv.

Sadly the satire is pretty accurate. :\
13 years

Dating site and the movie feed

FriesWithThatShake wrote:
But I always imagine a scenario where if I told them, they'd just burst out in laughter or disgust and just be rude in general.

This is exactly what I was expecting as I read through your post.

Its awesome that the situation worked out so well for you, but I really think you need to be congratulated for being so upfront and honest.

It would have been so easy to play dumb or laugh the question off, given she already gave you her opinion, and i'm sure thats what alot of us would have done in your position.

I think your honesty in the face of her negativity won you alot of respect in her eyes and may be part of the reason why she didn't freak out or anything. Of course though there is also the matter of your natural charm and good looks. smiley

Maybe you should be a spokesman for Feederism? smiley
13 years

Best picture/animation ever!

I didn't like the style at first but my god that is so hot...
13 years

Sports, teams and fans!

NRL; Parramatta Eels.

Also any Australian sporting team, lol i'm patriotic when it comes to sports. smiley
13 years

Conscious thought.

Icarus wrote:
chubbyhoney wrote:
DebzieUK wrote:
if people are posting photos then they have to accept that whilst comments they recieve will be mostly positive, they wont be to everyones taste and so some people will tell them that they are too big, too small, to chinese, to blonde etc. etc.

I wouldn't dream of posting a comment on a photo saying someone would be more attractive to me if they looked different. If I have nothing complimentary to say about the photo, I just won't comment x

Exactly. Like Thumper said "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Best stuff said in the whole thread, I think some guys are just so clueless though that the thinking saying such things is positive and encouraging when its really not.

Think before you comment people, if it could be taken negatively, its probably better to not bother, or at least explain what you really mean.


Also, this whole Feederism vs Fat Acceptance thing needs to stop, its not a major issue, but it is an idea which simmers under nearly every thread like this. Regardless of your reason for coming here, it is neither more, nor less valid then someone elses.

Yes this is a Feederism site but it is also a Fat Positive site. The two are not opposites, they are perfectly capable of existing together in peace, in fact they really should be anyway, because there are few other places where such ideas are accepted.

Every single person here needs to be aware of the two types of members we have (most even overlap) and respect that although someone may not share your reasons for being here, they are still as welcome to be here as you.

Sorry to rant, but the continuous "why are you even here" questions thrown at people bug the hell out of me. They are here because they want to be, not because you want them to be.

*takes deep breath and moves along*
13 years

What's the best movie of 2011?

Elementry_Penguin wrote:
The Kings Speech...

Ooh, yes, saw that on the same day as The Tourist, needless to say The Kings Speech was so much better. smiley


I just saw Sucker Punch, anyone else find it more mind screwing then Inception? :S
13 years

Someone you want to see fatter

JustinNasty wrote:
just random girls I know who would be cuuute chubby.

13 years