Can't upload stories

Hi no updates as of yet. Hiccupx will usually update the post as when issues are fixed.

Again if you have any further information can you let us know.

Have you tried uploading in smaller chunks?

Have you tried a different device or browser?

Any error messages or notification?

Thank you in advance and please bear with us.
3 years

Can't upload stories

I know I got back o your private message about this. But just wanted to reply here as well. I have informed hiccupx about the issues you are experiencing.

If you have any further details do provided them here or if anyone else is experiencing similar issues please let us know and give us a detailed account about the error / bug.


FF Team
3 years

Old stories being reposted

The recently updated story filter is going to be improved going forwards. Currently if an author edits anything - even a single character, the site recognises this as a change, and will then add this to the updated stories listings. Obviously we only want stories being added to this section that have had new chapters added.

In regards to the content... We don't have much control over what authors are updating. If the content is old it could be that they are bringing an older story back to life, maybe it was put on hold due to writers block and want to get back into that particular plot line... Your guess is as good as ours on this one, but I don't think members are updating stories just for listing priority.

Premium stories do not get preferential treatment on the recently updated story page. You may see two versions of the same story. Some authors with an earnings accounts create a free version and a premium version to entice upgrades and commissions for their work. This is not something designed by the site, but something some authors do to promote their work.

I would suggest using the following feature to follow and get updates for particular authors you are interested in... This way you can get updates from your favourite stories and authors without having to search for the content.

We have so much free content in the story section and I can assure you we are not trying to pressure users into upgrading. However there is a fine line and a balance to be had. We can certainly look into the search and filter options on the story section going forwards... but how members use our site is always going to adapt and change. Updating old content is not breaking site rules... and I don't think people are abusing this for their own advantage... I could be wrong but if you suspect this is the case it's best to report them to us.

Hope that helps.

FF Team
3 years

Mental health issues

Hi thin2fatlover,

We encourage all sorts of discussion on the site, and the forums is the best place to have ongoing discussions... to get advice from members... and share your experiences and feelings.

The Lifestyle Tips forum - is exactly the place for you to share this sort of thing. This forum is for useful advice you'd like to share or questions you'd like to ask relating to the lifestyle.

Don't be afraid to delve into deeper issues if you are comfortable doing so! The site is yours to use as you wish, and we have a great community here with many members who are able to offer insight, able to relate and understand any difficulties and concerns you may have, give advice or just here to listen.

3 years

Keyword search

Hi issa_pop,

Thanks for your suggestion. You can search the forums by using the search button at the top of the page. Simply click the button and type the 'word' or 'username' and this will bring up a list of results matching the word or username entered.

We do not currently have a search on the shouts, so we can certainly look into this for you.

Thanks again for your suggestion! Keep them coming!
3 years

The ability to save story drafts

Hi ChellyCures,

Thank you for the suggestion. I think it's a great idea and hopefully something we can implement into the story section the next time we get round to updating it.

Keep those suggestions coming! smiley
3 years

Profile search is broken

Thank you for getting back to me. I will bring this up with the site owner and we can get this looked into!

Apologies for any inconvenience!

FF Team
3 years