Recipes for a growing belly

mhmmm i love icecream especially hazelnut ^^
i would be very interested if i would eat even more icecream having a nice girl around everytime ^^:-)
11 years

The wall test

nerdy girl wrote:
but what if it's just because your boobs are that big??? lol

hehe i think that´s the sexiest touch then first boobs then very lsightly only the belly touches the wall when stuffed :-)
always find a soft belly sexy but morre boobs than belly is way sexier for me hehe despite the fact when a girl is stuffed when the belly goes beyond the boobs hehe that is great and i could say wow you little fatty look at you soon your belly will outgrew your boobs ...youo shouldn´t eat thaaat ^^ much lazy girl ;-)

well ic should ry this test but i bet without 10kg more my toes will touch easily :-/
11 years

Feeding and fattenning

luvschubyangels wrote:
That's definitely a huge part of it for me (no pun intended).

Spoiling someone and taking care of them. Overfeeding is like making sure someone has everything they need, and more. If someone was staying over at my apartment for instance, I would make sure the temperature was right, and they had enough blankets, and had towels, a toothbrush, etc. Strangely, to me, overfeeding is just another part of that kind of hospitality so to speak. I don't know if I'm stating that in a way that makes sense.

I like it the other way around too, I like protective, generous men. Not feeders though, as I'm losing weight, but being generous otherwise.

Since I'm very attracted to round, plump bodies, it definitely works out. To me, if a guy gets fat when we're dating, that means he's happy, content, and well taken care of.

Fattening a guy purposely is not only very erotic to me, but it's like physical evidence of deeply loving someone.

I go for him being sub occasionally, but not all the time, but as part of that, if he lets me change his body, even control it for a while, it's a demonstration of complete trust in me. If you let someone do something to you that is going to make you vastly less attractive to most of the opposite sex, that's a whole lotta trust that the person will stick around. Illogical perhaps, but there is it.

whow that´s so lavely said and written perfectly .
I couldn´t have stated it better as i exactly like all those thoughts and behaviors you mentioned.
All this trust and love only enables such kinky things as feeding the other one maybe just a little more than he would like ^^ this little evil more i find so arousing besides all this lovely sweet caring thing .
For me it shows a little bit how far can we go and how miuch do we love each other cause we allow some other thing we would never do with others !

^^ Hehe bit even having such a perfect gf i would try from time to time to get in shape again when my belly and her love for me and my love for pleasing her in getting nice and chubby (but i like it , too but am a bit ambivalent about getting really chubby maybe gaining more than 15kg or so i would get worried i couldn´t get in shape and ppl realize i´m becoming a realy fatty )is getting out of hand ^^
11 years

Tie me up & shove a tube down

hehe would love a girl doing that to me after she gained about 10lbs due to my cooking in our relationship ^^.
And only to show me how it is to have a softer bigger belly out of nowwhere she ties my up every day for a few hours just to ensure i gain about 20pounds in one week and let me feel the same things surprisingly having such a soft belly after her feedings but in a soft sweet kinky little naughty way and only as much so no jeans i have a t home fits anymore ^^
11 years

Stuffing while having sex?

luvschubyangels wrote:
Actually stuffing (or already stuffed) would probably put too much pressure on a belly when you're having sex. It depends on the person of course and what they like.

But feeding is something else. Ya know those pastry bags? I don't know what the heck they're called, but if you're icing a cake, etc, you will fill the plastic bag with icing and it has the metal thing on it to create a scallop or whatever? Anyway, I would love to be intimate with a feedee partner and have him sucking on the the end of it, eating huge amounts of frosting while we made love. : blushing : TMI

:-) i really don´t know how it would be cause i never had a girl like in your stories who would dared to have done that to em :-).
But i guess when i´m comfartble with the girl ^^ i would do all those things in your stories and especially this sucking of frosting ;-)
I imagine it so hot the partner having you in her sexy control making you eat until i´m really full and won´t move anymore having someone sexy beside you saying things like : "oh has my little tubby boy eaten too much ? But why did you do that (poking my belly) my poor boy why didn´t you say no .......
Putting some more shake or frosting in my mouth and asking and teasing with those nice sweet silly questions and .....

ahhh hehe i like things like that and would love to try them with a nice girl ^^
11 years

Signs of fatness

hehe for me it would be :

If i look down at my belly and try to view everything under my belly button and can´t see any skin under my belly button anymore even when trying to suck in ^^

that´s when i got fat i guess ;-)and can´t dany it anymore ^^
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
Also I think it would be more fun to take my obesity on a "trial run" and then go back to the slim life. Then the choice won't be made because it's too hard to be thin, it will be because I prefer how it feels to be fat.

Plus I would then have the pleasure of gaining that 40 pounds back for a second time! smileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmiley

Wowo so cool to read this ^^
You are the first besides me that would even consider gaining lossing it again to feel the joy of gaining it again ;-)

But i bet the danger is even more real to not beeing able loosing it again if you have someone on your side tempting you always to eat more hehe
that would be interesting, too if you normally plan to loose a few after you got a jiggly belly ;-)
i would love a realtionship like this ^^

ah and have fun :-)
11 years

Wish me luck

hehe in ten days wow i would need someone taking track of what i eat then but interesting idea ;-) would love to try that, too
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Oh that was a lovely story wish you all the best if you ever make a move ^^ though

thanks for sharing this delicate sweet developement^^
11 years

Am i the only one

yes ^^ i second that ;-)
11 years