Ruining one another's fit bodies

So I've been a slender muscular athletic individual my whole life, yet I've always been into bigger girls, and more so watching them be indulge and grow. Even though I've always been too proud of my body to consider growing myself its always been a secret curiosity. But I have to admit the idea of finding a fit girl and the two of us abandoning our fit lifestyles and encouraging eachother to see just how fat and lazy we can make eachother has always been a very enticing fantasy. If else finds this intriguing I'd love to rp or discuss it

Anecdotally, pretty much all happy couples I see where the woman is big, the man is big too. Just something I've noticed.

You don't have to give up exercise, and why should you? It doesn't really burn that many calories anyway. But what if, you prioritized weight lifting as well as eating much more? You'd end up much heavier, but still in good shape.

And if you do get a gut, well.. you know what they say. Who needs a 6 pack when you can have a keg!
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

Most of the time, when folks talk about setting weight gain goals, they're usually just the number on the scale.

I wonder if anyone sets goals besides just a number on the scale, and if so, what they are? Here are some examples.

- 40" waist or more (this is the average waist measurement of the American male)
- At least 24", or two feet around as thigh circumference.
- 44" ass, or more.
- Or fitting into larger clothing sizes.

I think you get the idea.

Other goals could include appetite milestones. For example, being able to eat an entire large pizza in one sitting when previously, you couldn't. Or eating two large triple burgers from Whataburger in one sitting (they're pretty big, much bigger than a Double Quarter Pounder from McD's), when previously you couldn't.

Or being able to suck down an entire quart of cream without getting sick, when before you couldn't.

These are just examples. What are yours?
4 years

Fat women in public

I don't know about failing, but I suspect others may have noticed and just didn't say anything.

I get mesmerized, and I almost can't help it. Especially if she's wearing a snug, form fitting dress. Or when they wear shorts, short skirts, and sleeveless tops. And in Texas, women do that all of the time, including fat women. It's otherwise just way too hot, especially during the summer. The best part is that there's no real shame to speak of. It can sure be highly distracting sometimes, though!

I still remember the other day, this sexy middle-aged woman, probably late 40s or early 50s. She wore a snug sleeveless dress, everything from the sausage fingers, arms so thick the arm holes almost barely fit, huge boobs, a bit of belly, a big ass supported by huge legs with a little bit of cellulite, all on top of cankles wedged into 4 inch heels. She quivered with every step, and I couldn't stop staring. I only hope my future wife would be this sexy.

I almost can't walk past a Lane Bryant or a Torrid in an indoor shopping mall without glancing inside. It's difficult not to glance and stare for too long.

The absolute worst, but perhaps also the best is when I'm getting takeout food, or otherwise have to wait around in a place, and on the other side of the counter is a beautiful, deliciously fat woman. This happened to me just last week, at a Starbucks. She must have weighed at least 250, maybe 300 lbs. The armholes of the t-shirt barely fit, and was snug over her very large boobs and gut, which was peaking over her jeans. It didn't hide her shape at all. But I had to wait around because I ordered a sandwich (yes, it's freakishly expensive but I thought I was gonna pass out from hunger so I needed something).

It was almost torture, and I had many impure thoughts.
4 years

So what percent of feedees are scammers?

Still waiting for someone to create a dating site for feeders/feedees looking for something local instead of online

Sorry pal, that's not gonna happen. The business case simply doesn't exist.

Arguably, in essence that's what Feabie is, with some Facebook / social media garnishing bolted on top.

However, such an enterprise is doomed to failure.
Same for frankly any highly niche web site.
Someone who would actually admit to it is rare to begin with. I live in the DFW, which is one of the top 5 largest metros in the U.S. Despite this, there aren't a large number of members active within the last month on here. Same on Feabie, for that matter. The market simply isn't large enough (no pun intended). In fact, I'm under the impression FF is almost barely hanging on, in spite of a worldwide audience that actually has a reason to come back; to talk to others of like mind. A term for this is "network effect," which basically means a product or service that becomes more valuable, the more users there are.

Add in preferences such as age range, race, occupation, and so on and the already very small shallow pond that passes as a dating pool becomes a likely filthy puddle akin to one caused by a leaking water pipe. You likely have better odds of winning the state lottery, maybe even Powerball.

With already such slim odds, why would anyone pay for a membership?

The whole dating web site business model is also highly flawed and reeks of a scam. It's one of the very few business models where customer satisfaction results in no more sales from the customer. They can either run out of potential customers, or they can deliberately cause customer dissatisfaction and false hope that something may come from it, so they keep paying. The whole business model depends on your being frustrated so you keep paying. They also promote unrealistic results.

However, the dating web site scam only works when it's intended for the general public, for the largest audience possible. This ensures a steady new stream of suckers to join and replace those who get so frustrated they give up, or take a break.

On rare occasions I have met couples who admitted to first learning about each other this way, but they are rare. Probably just enough to keep the scam alive. Odds are, you won't be one of them.

If you must participate at such a site, stick with ones where you don't have to pay to send messages, and have extremely low expectations. Otherwise, it'll only make you sad, frustrated, and perhaps angry.
4 years

Plus size shopping

Where is the best place to find plus size clothes. My local boutique is very expensive and I am outgrowing things faster than expected.

Penney's seems to provide decent quality for the dollar, even the house/store brand. Macy's would be okay too, as long as you don't purchase any of their store branded stuff (which seems to be of poorer quality).

I've had BBW tell me they think Torrid is both costly and is of poor quality, which is unfortunate because for casual wear, they make a lot of nice looking stuff.

Of course, I don't know what the local boutique charges for their clothes, or what you consider "expensive." However, new clothes are typically the most costly part about gaining, beyond possibly what food you're eating.

It honestly depends on your taste and requirements. Most folks, there's usually at least some kind of clothing articles they'd never wear. As for requirements, an example are how at some jobs, you have to wear suits. Other jobs, you might need something that will stand up to wear and tear and you don't mind if they get dirty.

If the location in your profile is correct, it seems you're near Baltimore which implies there should be a LOT of shopping opportunities including anything you may find only in shopping malls. You may have to drive some ways, but that's just suburban life.

Thrift and consignment stores for clothes are terrible advice unless you have a LOT of time to go shopping, and you're fine if they don't have anything suitable. Their appeal to some is their largest downside; they're never the same store twice. This might encourage impulse buying as you wonder if it's still going to be there next week. Maybe you have time to go and check out Goodwill every day; I don't.

I've also noticed there's usually a reason why something ends up in a thrift store. It's garish, ugly, or was part of whatever fad from yesteryear. It's almost never anything that's timeless or doesn't change much. Why? Because that's what folks really want, and what they keep until they're worn to tatters, at which point they're unfit to even sell in a thrift store and may then see life as rags around the house. But who knows? If you're lucky, there's a gainer nearby who's blowing up out of her clothes and she disposes of her smaller clothes there. But I wouldn't count on it.

At traditional retail, selection doesn't change as often so you can take your time looking around. Traditional retail can also provide you with the opportunity to try something on, even if it's not the desired color so you can see how it fits. You could then special order the size and color.

If you're already familiar with a brand, you might already have a good idea of how it fits. If not, go to a store that sells it, and bring a tape measure. Vanity sizing is a severe problem after all, making it more difficult to figure out what exactly you're getting.

Wal-Mart has very cheap clothing and a consistent selection, but it mostly looks like crap and it looks cheap and tacky. I don't know if that's acceptable or not. I know nothing of your day to day life, your job, or the amount of pretentiousness you may have to deal with.

Also, if you feel confident about your rate of gain, there's something to be said for getting the next size up, ahead of time. It also saves money if you get new clothes half as often. As you grow heavier and softer, sizes also become more flexible. Ever noticed that for men's trousers, for larger than a 34" waist, they're in increments of 2, not one? Some places will see 32s, 33s, and 34s but will not sell 43s, just 42s and 44s.

Anyway, look around. A lot more brands go up to size 18-20 or even 24 nowadays. Hopefully they expand their size offerings soon. They'll have to eventually, or risk going out of business.

I remember when Express didn't go above size 10. They were facing dwindling sales until they expanded that.
4 years

Eatmor appetite stimulant pills - anyone tried these?

Is it apetamin?
It will increase your appetite.

No, it's this stuff.

I'm a little surprised I don't see more mention of this, especially in the feederism community so I figured I should try to get the ball rolling.
4 years

Eatmor appetite stimulant pills - anyone tried these?

So, I just ordered some. It'll be interesting to see what effect they may have.

I saw some anecdotal reports that they may work. I forget where exactly (somewhere on Reddit) but one BBW claimed to have some before eating and that they made her very ravenous and hungry, and was able to eat so much more.

The reviews on Amazon seem promising, although you have to take those reviews with a grain of salt. Most folks don't review, and those who do, it's for something bad, not good. I also used to hear about reports of faking reviews.

So, I'm wondering if anyone on here has tried them?

I've been stuck at a plateau for awhile, and would really like to gain 15 more lbs for my next goal. I also get disappointed when that full feeling kicks in earlier than I would like. I want to eat more.
4 years

Fat problems advice

I'm getting to fat for my clothes. I love it, but can't keep affording to buy new clothes. I want to keep gaining but I'm starting to think maybe this isn't for me anymore because it's getting too expensive. I don't know what to do because I love to eat and watch myself jiggle. I'm thinking of going on a... a... Diet. Omg just the thought of it makes me want to hide under a rock and never come out. I don't want to be skinny but I would love to fit my clothes again. Also I would love to be able to see my yoni again. What to do decisions decisions.

I've encountered this problem. It can be so costly!

I don't have the best idea about your personal sense of style other than looking at some of your pictures, or what you may have to wear for work. Hopefully something I say here will be helpful.

For clothes that aren't stretchy or elastic, such as suits, get the next size up. Or whatever size is so loose it feels like it might fall off. You could use a belt.

Some dresses are quite stretchy and should expand as you continue to grow, so you may not have to get new ones very often.

Most jeans admittedly aren't as very forgiving, even stretchy ones. You may wish to permanently retire from jeans and switch to skirts and leggings, both of which can be stretchy.

I think it's easier to find tops that will stretch.

I hope some of what I've said is helpful. However, at a certain point there's no getting around it. When your sausage fingers get too plump, you will have to get rings resized.

In a more extreme case, if you have a compact car you may have to upgrade to something bigger, or upgrade furniture. Apparently there's office chairs that won't handle 300+ lbs very well.

Fortunately, very few jobs have a weight requirement so odds are, you won't have to change occupations.

Some ladders won't safely support more than 300 lbs, however.
4 years

Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

Not a ton of weight where he gets unheathly but do you think engaging in feederism is a sin?

Nowadays, I don't really think so.

One of the classic sins is "gluttony." But in the context of eating, that's if you're keeping food away from someone else because of your eating. In this day and age, that doesn't really apply. If someone isn't able to get food, it's normally because of some other factor besides food shortages.

Normally, if someone is unable to get enough food, it's the result of unrestrained laissez-faire capitalism, increasing income equality, and insufficient SNAP program benefits. Stores don't typically run out of food.

Anyway, there's no point in worrying about it.

I also noticed that you, the OP is gay. Religion typically frowns on homosexuality, but you don't let that stop you, and it certainly doesn't make you a bad person.

Being into feederism doesn't make you a bad person, either.
4 years

Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

I don’t think it’s wrong, provided you are both well informed, consenting adults. It would be wrong if it were against his will, but if your boyfriend is on board with it then why would it be immoral? As long as it’s his choice and you respect his boundaries it’s perfectly fine.

...Or are you asking if it’s a “sin” in a religious sense? Depends on the religion, but from what I understand of religion is that if something is fun, it’s definitely a sin.

Basically, yeah. Pretty much almost anything that's either fun or helps take the edge off of life to make it more tolerable.

But I'll admit there's sometimes good advice in some of these holy texts. It's just the cult stuff that often comes with it that I don't care for.
4 years