Quick weight gain question

Gaining weight at an older age is more risky, although if you do a search, you can find some older feedees. I knew one woman who turned into a feedee at age 40 when she already weighed 500 pounds. At an older age, thin or fat, is usually when things start to go wrong. Women especially are more likely to have arthritis and similar problems that can be painful.
6 years

Meeting nice positive people!

The bad guys keep getting rejected, so they keep contacting more people. The good guys find a few friends and remain friends. So, in my opinion, it just seems that there are more bad people. Even if you meet a lot of bad people, it takes only one special person. So, my advice is to stick around. Report bad people and block them.
6 years

Padding with your partner

Well, if you are doing anything for Halloween, now is the time to "dress up like a fat person." Otherwise, if you can't come out and say it, you can always make a joke. Or just say, "I've always wondered what it would feel like to be much heavier." In other words, just go a little at a time, and be able to retract if it does not go well. But being straight forward also sounds like a good idea.
6 years

Autistic folk

Look in the archives. There was a thread on this a while ago/..
6 years

Fat distribution when gaining quickly

People either gain weight inside the muscular system, or outside. It's genetic, and you can't change it. If you gain inside, it can damage your organs. You'll also look like you are pregnant.
6 years

Ed/fa: anyone else?

I disagree with the whole you have to be fat to love fat.

Finally Fat:
My main point was that if an FA truly loves fat, he or she will become fat.

And btw, the old adage, "Never trust a skinny cook", applies still.

Men like lots of things on women. Big breasts, pretty dresses, sexy legs, long blonde hair, sexy makeup, etc. But it does not mean they want it on themselves. Same with fat.
6 years

Dealing with weight loss: venting

Sharon Lin:
There comes a time when excess weight becomes a problem. My husband was diagnosed with obesity. We found a clinic that uses endoscopy equipment this is the best diagnostic equipment to date. The clinic helped us to cope with this because we received qualitative diagnostics

I don't understand. All you need is a scale to diagnose obesity.
6 years

Dealing with weight loss: venting

Usually when someone regains the weight, they pack it on very quickly. So, when you are able to gain again, you'll do it very quickly.
6 years

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

My doctor has put me on Minoxidil for blood pressure. I am hoping it increases my boobs.
6 years

Ed/fa: anyone else?

I am 5' 9" and 210 pounds. Pretty much the same my entire adult life.
6 years