
I bet i nver get stretchmarks ^^
only maybe if a girl comes along to find my belly far to fit ^^
But as long as the belly is cute stretchmarks are no evil thing ^^
11 years

Love to be teased

would love beeing teased after encouraged to gain about 10kg .
And mny sexy feeder girl measures me make me do situp push up or a gerneral fitness test in comparison to her
and pretends i´m still fit enough so she can feed me more into security cause i always say hah i will always be fitter than a cute chubby woman as you ^^ squeezing her fat .
Until she goes mad enough to make fatten me up until she can tease me and my pudgy body in a lot of places ^^
11 years

Wish me luck

ok then i wish you luck and hope you enjoy the feel of every lbs ^^
i hope we get some proves ;-)

would love to join you ^^ somehow

so have fun
11 years

A 'shake' stuffing experiment

hehe interesting decription ^^

Nad yes i drank about 2 litre of ilkshake this weekend about 600ml whole cream mixed with vanilla icecream and some milk 3,5 % fat adding some vanilla sugar , too

it was deliscious and very filing ...
i felt like it was getting even more being in my belly and it was really hard to eat something substantial afterwards .
Doing that at least one day i can´t really eat so much but nevertheless it´s such trun on to think doing that at last every 2 days to realize some substantial and feelable gain after this week ^^
11 years

I love the way it feels when..

my belly is totally full sticks out and jiggles slightly (now that i gained a bit) when i walk

2.)my belly prevents me from doing situps or just makes tying your shoes more of an effort

3.) some girl pokes into my belly and says whew what happened here? and grinnes mischievously (meaning my no so fit tummy)

4.) my belly presses against my inner tummymuscels and try to popp out my belly even more then if you just stick it out

5.) when i realize (only 2 times it happened) that sucking in my belly has nearly no effect and i can´t hide my belly under a sweatshirt anymore ;-)

i guess that´s the main things ^^
11 years

Not having a choice

hehe at least as long as you don´t try to slim down again lol

and even if it depends how evil your fedder is ^^ i would say
11 years

My girlfriend made me fat

LadyEjkua wrote:
sethman wrote:
Okay, really? Are we going to have this double-standard?

Forum, answer me this. Why are we all in agreement that men secretly fattening their girlfriends/wives is immoral and even a form of rape, but when the roles are reversed, everyone's like "THIS IS THE HOTTEST THING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVERYTHING!"

sooo right^^
here is one ;-)

And it's not just with feederism, it's a double standard with seemingly everything sexual. If it's the girl in charge, it's okay. Why is this? I'm not trying to say the posters here are wrong to consider it a sexy concept, but I would love to discuss this double standard and why it's the way it is.

I think you're actually right. There is a double standard. But that's also because men are sexually different than women. Men like it when women are sexually aggressive (I just call it that, I don't know if I use the right term). Women usually don't like it when men are sexually aggressive. I think there are lot of men out there who secretly would want to be sexually assaulted by an attractive woman. So, I think you're right, but I also think there is a reason for it. I still don't think it is right for a woman to secretly fatten up someone who doesn't want to be fattened up at all. (and that goes for men as well, but that goes without saying)
11 years

Role play secretely fattening

luvschubyangels wrote:
Looooove this fantasy, a favorite. "Am I putting on weight?" "No, no, baby of course not." LOL Putting fat and lots of extra calories in food, like pouring half a bottle of olive oil in pasta sauce. Even setting back the scale. A touch of an evil feeder. LOL A great RP, but would love to do it in RL.

Oh this is so perfect ;-))^^ i want that smiley
11 years

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

princessbubblegum wrote:
I'm a sub feedee. I can dom if my partners want me to but, even then, it's still pretty much a submissive performance. I'm really into domination and humiliation, especially when forcefeeding and belly-shaming are part of it. Way too hot.

oh that is close to me espescially the belly shaming part lol love that on girls and it´s even a little arousing for myself i guess if i ever gain enough for a girl to have a reason to tease me about ^^

But i do love this dominating thing somehow but more in a kind of competition to show the otehr better part of you you can do it whenever you want and then let her again be more the feeder or dominant girl

ah interesting thoughts in this thread ^^
11 years

My obsession.. let me....

that was a nice sexy image running through my mind reading your post ^^

i would love some nice girl doing that to me ^^
11 years