Don't fall for or think you have to have the newest hot thing on the market.
Keep things simple and that actually work and will continue to work.
IMO if you keep things like scales simple you are better off.
3 years
Chunky your first paragraph was right on point.
I have told a few guys no and suddenly I am a bitch and a bad person.
I can tell by a guy's profile what kind of person they are 60% of the time. Same with women.
I was on feabie when it first went active and left after a month because the people were rude disgusting and generally unfriendly.
3 years
I have an analog that goes to 300 but not all that accurate its about 7 pounds lower than my digital scale.
Digital is what like because once it beeps and locks in my weight I can step off to see it.
3 years
Or you are cautious about who you speak with.
I only respond after I check his profile.
You can't force people to talk to you so getting upset over it is kind of childish.
3 years
Sounds fair to me give it a go and see what happens.
Me personally am not into paying to view BHM's or custom videos but I am sure some ladies would be on board with it.
Why do you feel you have to be a certain weight to start this venture?
Why not do what lots of girls do and do a weight gain progression thing. Earn money while you are gaining if you are going to make a living doing it.
3 years
Never really thought to do that when I first started gaining.
But then I don't have a fat fetish or kink.
I do enjoy looking at comparison pics tho'.
3 years
We used to have a really good Mom and Pop buffet here and I was sad to see them close.
At my heaviest (425) 3 plates piled high was about my limit but it depended on what meats they had that night.
If they had fried chicken all bets were off and I would keep going back.
Grandma Becky's fried chicken was the best.
I would hit the desert aisle after letting my belly settle down a bit.
3 years
I always gain around 10 lbs during the holidays.
then lose it slowly over a few months.
3 years
I would suggest heavy cream.
3 years
If you are both single you should ask her out to dinner.
3 years