Welcome.Hope you enjoy it here.
3 years
I lost some weight by mid 2020 and gained it back and wasn't trying to.
Lost a bit this year and down to 345 ish.
Still officially fat tho'.
3 years
As a kid I was always skinny and even up to my early 20s and felt so bad about how I looked.
No curves no boobs to speak of making me feel unattractive.
Recovered from drug addiction I came out of rehab even skinnier it was so awful.
After discovering sites like this I realized I should gain weight to help with my confidence and it helped.
I will mention I have always had a thing for fat guys. All I dated thru high school were bigger guys.
3 years
Why people feel the need to "come out" makes no sense to me.
If others are not into what you are what good will it do to tell them?
Its a fetish you have and simple as that. Your friends don't tell you their fetishes if the have them do they?
Its a personal thing and if your partner is into it then its all good.
Are fetishes wrong ? I don't think so, you just like what you like.
I don't have any fetishes or off beat sexual kinks and thats OK with me, if you do thats OK too.
Now I have had people here assume I am into feederism but I am not but I do support a person's right to do as they wish.
3 years
5'4" and wide as a barn door
3 years
A bodily function so its natural.
I would blame it on the dog but my BF just laughed and said thats right girls don't fart.
3 years
Glad I could be of some help.
3 years
Don't expect to have all this happen quickly.
Getting fat takes way more time than you think it does.
Albee makes good points.
Lots had to do with how your body stores fat and your genetics.
For years as a gainer all my fat was very firm.
I lost close to 100 lbs at one point and when I decided to start gaining again a year later everything I gained was more flabby.
I started to get a double belly and it started to hang which had never happened before.
I was using heavy cream and ice cream before going to bed and I am sure that helped or had something to do with it.
3 years
Being a recovering alcoholic I think you are treading on a thin edge.
No way I want back on that train.
You do whatever you want.
3 years
I have bouts with compulsive over eating disorder and will eat almost constantly for days or weeks at a time.
My belly would get so tight and rock hard for days.
My weight shot up 50 lbs over the following months from all the food I had put away.
I felt so much heavier everyday not knowing when I would stop gaining.
3 years