Fat friendly footwear

I've always found that good hiking shoes/boots are best.

What happns when you are too fat to reach the laces?

I'm not that fat yet, but I'd look at zipper inserts that lace into the lace holes. They can be easier to deal with.
5 years

Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

How many other girls here could actually say they wouldn't enjoy it if they were in my position

By all means, enjoy the experience... privately. Cherish the memory. Please yourself to the thought of it, when you're at home. But report that person to H.R., because no one should abuse their authority in the workplace like that.

Well... you may not want to be "that" girl. Instead of closing the door, you may want to instead show that person that there is a way to what they want, just not in the office.

I want it to happen in the office though

This is just asking for trouble.
5 years

Fat friendly footwear

I've always found that good hiking shoes/boots are best.
5 years

It gets boring

As a different take on this, I feel like people on this site don't want to look at my pictures when I'm starting a gain because I am too skinny for anyone to be interested. I can't help that unfortunately. I understand I have what is probably the least desirable kind of body for people on here and I don't like it either. But I've got what I've got and am doing my best to gain weight but seems people don't want to see it.

Oh well. Probably take my pics off this site but just talk about it instead.

Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of us have been there. You pics can be nice to show others how they too can get fat.
5 years

Thick cream for fatten?

thanks a lot for the answer! and do you have a particular taste for mixing in thick cream? because i guess it must not be very appetizing if there is no taste ..

Add a shot of grenadine or torani per 1/2 liter or so. Then it's like melted ice cream.
5 years

How many of you are here for something other than sexual messaging?

I'm here for gaining advice and talk, not sex

The same with me. If I want to have anything sexual with someone, it's with someone I know and trust in real life and sex talk only happens in their personal company.

Past experiences show me that people can easily get misled or lead on involving sex fantasy talk online - but it depends. I've been a fool once before, never again. "Once fooled, shame on you. Twice fooled, shame on ME".

That being said, I will ask sex-related questions, but always in the context of romance advice. For instance, I have an ongoing problem with figuring out just how to tell my girlfriend that not only am I okay with with being fat, getting fatter, but that I want her to help me get fatter.
5 years

Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

Sounds like it's getting to be sexual harassment.
5 years

Pm interface needs work

Would someone please do something to improve the user interface for private messages? Two points in particular:

1) The text area for typing the message is really really tiny and the reply button overhangs it when you stretch the text area to a decent size.

2) It would be nice if the messages had a solid timestamp rather than an X-days-ago going into X-years-ago. I'd like to be able to nail down more exactly when I had conversations.
5 years

How many of you are here for something other than sexual messaging?

I'm here for gaining advice and talk, not sex
5 years

Unusual occurrence

I suspect it may have something to do with the server change.
5 years