Ed/fa: anyone else?

I am 67, and I have not tried to make myself fat. I think that curves are very womanly. But I don't want them on myself.
6 years

What happened to locations?

Actually, I figured it out. I went to the new member list, and these were all the Russian bots. I guess they had their locations removed before they were removed.
6 years

How can i convince my gf to gain?

She wants to lose weight, you want her to gain, but you don't want to see her unhappy? It sounds like she is unhappy when she gains and happy when she loses. You either need to let her decide what weight she wants to be since it is her body, or you need to find someone who is willing to gain.
6 years

What happened to locations?

I do not see locations on anyone's profile.
6 years


I have. I was at the Million Pound March in Los Angeles and I marched in front of the White House. I also went to Hallmark card stores protesting the fat jokes on their cards.
7 years

Will fat become fasionable?

Not as long as the diet industry makes billions of dollars off of fat people hating themselves.
7 years

As a fa, did your preference grow over time?

For me, yes. I noticed the larger girls in school, and I did not dislike them. But I didn't realize that I preferred them until I was in my 20's.
7 years

Bf is into feedism but i'm not...really need some advice

I hate to say it, but I don't see how this can possibly work out, unless you want to become obese. It's almost like a sober alcoholic and a fine wine connoisseur getting together. You are going to be around someone who likes to get people to eat, and yet food will set off your eating disorder. I think if you stick with him, you will be binge eating constantly, just because you can, and he wants you to.
7 years

How to hide spending and food from boyfriend.

My ex wife was a compulsive liar who did what she wanted rather than discuss things and come to a compromise with me. I did not trust a single thing she said to me when we were married, and I did not trust a single thing she said after we were divorced. She was the butt of jokes with her friends, who not only didn't believe a word she said, but also constantly made fun of her behind her back.
7 years

Secrete gainer

Fetishes really aren't anyone else's business, as long as you are 18 or older. If anyone mentions it, you can just tell them you don't mind gaining. You don't need to tell them you are gaining on purpose.
7 years