Thanks for the advice. For the conversations I did have, I’ve tried every single approach. No-one is perfect, I get that. But after countless of interactions gone to waste this one just left a bad taste.
I understand how you feel. It's why I don't go into chat very often unless I am going to chat with a specific person/people.
Some advice:
If the conversation fizzles out, or the other person hasn't responded back to you, just move on. If something came up, they will let you know. Otherwise, they don't respect your time.
State your intentions upfront. If you wanna get to know a person first, or just be horny in DMs, say so (politely). Of they aren't interested, then you can respect each other's time and move on.
No relationship (platonic, romantic, sexual) works well without a firm foundation. If all you do is feedist stuff, you're building a house on sand. Make a connection first and maintain it.