Not being able to sit up

hehe same here ^^
I would love to have a nice gf to tempt me in eating more and getting chubby anough that thing i could do easily before when i was fit are getting harder to do like doing situps or crunches or push ups or anything else like trying to catch her if she was naughty to me ^^.
although you can never say before (who knows what lovely beautiful smart gf i will have one day ^^) i tend to see 110kg or 120kg the most i would ever gain up to.

But in would love her teasing me about things i´m not so good anymore in or maybe she even says all the time Oh Dear you are still fit and are even fitter than me ^^(just saying it to calm me down) until the day comes she bets with me and says ha tubby i bet you can´t even catch me if you try ^^ (me beeing very sure i can^^) and if not you have to eat two weeks what i desire you to ^^

but generally i would say 120kg would be my maximum to feel still comfartable (but i don´t know lol just weighing 95 kg or so)
11 years

Feeding celeb crush fantasies?

I would definately like to see megan fox gain about 10 -20lbs and jewel staite ^^
total cuties in my view
11 years

Out of shape or in?

[quote]fatbellygirl wrote:
I like being out of shape. My boyfriend teases me trying to get me to chase him as I pant he loves it too. He can be such a sexy tease some times.

that sound so loveable sexy ^^ i want that, too first i chase her until she is out of breath and tease her about getting chubby and then she develops a plot until she can do the same with me ^^
11 years

Is this too fast?

chubby_bunny_160 wrote:
Well, I HAVE been eating 7500-10,000 calories a day so.. I guess maybe it makes sense? I just didn't expect that much of a jump in numbers in only five days haha

wow 10 pounds ^^ that´s a lot and sure looks very cute on your frame :-)
i wonder if you can tell me what you ate i would love to try it, to and see the results ....
so i can totally understand your desire to gain fast smiley as sometimes it overcomes me, too ^^
11 years

Gain weight thru hypnosis

Oh i would love to have a nice sneaky gf to try that on me ^^ hehe and maybe adding a little hypnosis concerning my view of belly °° that i only realize the whole gain when my shirts and shorts don´t fit anymore ^^ (otherwise i bet i would try to get in shape again lol)

interesting interesting thing ^^
11 years

Stuffing while having sex?

Cake n Comics wrote:
It's a huge fantasy of mine to a ride or gown on a guy while he stuffs himself. Or, even better, to add another girl into the mix, and take turns pleasuring and feeding him.
It's a little impractical, but fantasies are fantasies!

oh that sound so vorbidden and sexy ^^ i wonder if i would have the gutts for that ^^ but the image of this is so seducing ^^ :-)
(but i bet 2 girls are enough to get sure a male is well fed i bet ) ;-)))
11 years

Stuffing while having sex?

FFAShadows wrote:
One of my favorite ways to feed my man smiley Then if you want to get even dirtier I'll make him eat it off my body. I try to feed him at a steady pace so he doesn't get too full. But it's the best. Usually I'm more submissive when we have sex and I'm on my back but when it comes to feeding, I straddle him instead. smiley With a burger in my hand. Sometimes the covers will get covered in lettuce/ketchup etc. XD So many times... I'll go to sleep and realize I have a slice of a tomato stuck to my back XP

wow that sound so perfectly sexy ;-) and imagining a tomato on your bum nex morning lol makes me smile ^^
11 years

Type of feeder preferred?

Critters wrote:
I guess I'm sort of a mix. My general personality is very much 'carer/fixer', and I do tend to go a little overboard trying to make things perfect and easy for those I care about. Recently, my mother broke her elbow, and she's been trying to get me to stop doing everything for her so she can see how well she can manage on her own. It hasn't been easy, since my first instinct, upon seeing her struggling with something, is to swoop in and do it myself. But I'm getting there!

Though my usual personality is unassuming, shy, and introverted, I confess to some rather dominant fantasies about taking control over a partner sexually with feeder-play. I don't know how at ease I would be taking them from the fantasy realm to reality, though. I suppose all I could ask is that a partner be open minded and trust that I wouldn't do anything to damage him either physically or psychologically.

And I am every bit the encourager. I am great at that. It's just part of my instinct to try to feed someone... I blame growing up with a grandparent/guardian who always did that with people. It's one of the ways I show affection. If I'm offering you food, it means I like you!

Oh that sounds so lovely ;-) i would like thtat, too with a bit of teasing or even a bit of secret tricks to tempt me into eating more ^^ a bit if i stay to slim for her ^^ and i would like a bit of teasing as well ^^.
But i would love the caring and nice part, too very much as it belongs to a relationship i thinkand is very nice ^^.
11 years

Firm or jiggle

Hmmm....^^ ;-)

well my own belly :
I would like it a bit rounder and firm but with some soft slightly jiggly flab on the surface ^^

and on a girl : ;-)

mhmmm....i would love a little to a little more soft belly with a nice bellybutton and enough fat to poke and tease her a bit about it ^^
11 years

Girls who like girls bellies:)

annatorino wrote:
Girl bellies are...AMAZING! Girls are also super cute when they're stuffed. One day I'll manage to have the perfect sleepover, and old school slumber party, that ends with full, poochy, sleepy bellies.

Oh that´s unfair that you girls can do that lol i wouldn´t find it so cute making sucha weekend together with my freinds ;-)

i find girls bellies cute, too ^^
11 years