Is nikocado a gainer?

He is just so annoying I can't watch him.
I am sure he is a gainer and into feederism.
TOXIC ?? OMG yes he is.
I do like his big belly tho'.
3 years

Heavy cream for how long

Let us know how it works for you.
3 years

Heavy cream for how long

Back when I used heavy cream I would just drink a glass full before going to bed.
After a week and a half I felt places on my body where my clothes were getting tighter.
Under the arms and the inside of my thighs.
I stayed on that regiment for almost a month and I had become softer and I could feel my butt cheeks jiggle as I walked.
I had been gaining for sometime and the heavy cream did a number on me adding fat in different places it hadn't been before.
3 years

Wlw feeders/fat appreciaters

Being bisexual I have found some fat women very attractive.
3 years

Pushers vs. letting goers

I had to push myself to gain when I first started and it took a couple of years to get weight to actually stay on me.
Once it started to stick gaining was much easier.
I started to let go and not care so much if I gained or lost weight. Stopped getting on the scale every week and obsessing about what my weight was.
My occasional binging turned in to a compulsive overeating disorder and then my weight went out of control.
3 years

Feeling overwhelmed?

Great advice no need for pressure just take your time.
It was hard for me to gain in the beginning and it took many months to see any changes.
I don't know how many times I would gain 10 lbs the next month or so I would lose 9 of it.
We are all different so one size doesn't fit all so to speak.
3 years

Feeling overwhelmed?

Welcome and I agree joining up here is a good first step.
We all started somewhere and had our share of questions.
Asking questions is how you learn right?
3 years

Is denial something that happens for real?

Oh you know you have gained weight but you don't think its as much as it really is so that is a kind of denial I have experienced.
I had been 275 lbs for close to 2 years and I figured I had reached a plateau.
I went on a months vacation with some friends and really didn't think much about what we ate and I put on some weight because I could feel it. Heck we all did LOL
Had a Dr appointment several months later and was shocked to see the scale say 315 lbs and I said there is no way I am that big.
3 years

Gaining survey!

The first 60 lbs I gained was out of spite (long story, cheating husband).
Years later after losing the spite weight I found I missed being a little chubby.
I guess it was more of a need for me because I never got into the fetish part of it.
The subsequent gains were on purpose until I was over 250 lbs.
As far as goals I think 250 ish was sort of a goal but when I hit 250 I just let go and didn't worry about how much I gained because I enjoyed getting heavier.
3 years