Fantastically speaking ... how fat would you be?

I fantasize about growing so fat that my belly reaches the floor when I'm sitting. Then I gain until my belly reaches the floor even when I stand. Bigger and bigger as it presses more firmly on the floor.
5 years

Vertical belly fold?

I swear i might end up killing myself one of these days

I feel the same a lot, wish I hadn't been born with a fetish like this at the same time as being cursed with an anorexic body (genetics). It's like "god" had some kind of sick joke when making me. Jeez.

I remember being really skinny like that. What finally got me gaining was working at a pizza restaurant. I think I put on 100 pounds in 2 or 3 years.
5 years

Accidentally got way too fat

I have a friend who got too fat and is now dealing with some nasty health problems. I think each of us has a limit and you shouldn't cross it. Of course finding your limit is lots of fun but you have to know when to stop and be satisfied. His limit was 400 in my opinion, after that his body couldn't take it. Some people can grow a lot bigger than that without problems.

How big did he get?
6 years

Autistic folk

I also have Aspergers. Unfortunately it wasn't diagnosed until I was in college. A lot of time was wasted.
6 years

Several men who have contacted seem serious about being immobile

This puzzles me. Though I want to get enormously fat, maybe to 700 or 800 pounds, I want to be sure to keep my strength and endurance up so I can carry around all that weight.
6 years

I gained 300lbs! help me continue

I admire your ability to fatten up so quickly. How does it feel to grow like that?

Sorry, I can't contribute though.
6 years

Bmi. what's yours?

My BMI is up to 43 today.
6 years

Long haul travel

It was an air bus can�t remeber the number. I was maybe five rows back from business class. It was an �extra leg room� row.
Sounds like an extra gut room row too. smiley
6 years

Strech marks

They do fade. At least for my and my gf, they can still be felt.
6 years