Anyone around dallas?

Just kinda getting into this kink. My husband does not know and Iā€™m not looking to gain but would love to talk to someone about it/possibly go out for a meal.

I live in the DFW. I would love to meet someone in person who's into this sort of thing or just curious.

Also, thanks for being upfront about being married. In person I look for the ring but that's not possible online Ha ha.

Feel free to PM me your mobile # to text, e-mail, or Kik ID.
4 years

New years

At the very least, I'd like to reach some milestones and some other goals.

The first set of milestones should be fairly easy to reach, even for me (the larger you are, the easier it is to get even larger).

First set of milestones are:

- 170+ lbs (officially overweight)
- 24" (2 ft) thighs
- 12" (1 ft) biceps even without flexing
- 40"+ ass.
- Hopefully eliminate the final vestiges of a thigh gap (the top part of my thighs touch but the space above the knees don't unless I squish my legs together).

- Get myself into the habit of snacking much more often, hopefully without even thinking about it much.
- Make dessert into a near daily occurrence for the evening / late night / last major meal of the day.

Hopefully the more I gain, my appetite will get larger.

Hopefully I'll also be thick enough to feel more comfortable wearing shorts this summer.

Beyond the first set, less of a big deal whether I reach these additional gaining goals in '20, but these additional gaining goals have been on my mind. These aren't in any particular order.

- Permanently increase my average daily caloric intake from about 3,000 calories to 4,000 calories.
- 200+ lbs (average American white male is 200 lbs)
- 40"+ waist (average American male waist measurement)
- 222+ lbs (100 kgs) (100 is a nice, round number)
- Have my thighs be as large, or larger as my waist was, 3-4 years ago. (Long story but yes, I was really skinny once.)
- Be able to eat an entire large Pizza Hut pizza in one sitting.
- Be able to drink and chug an entire quart of heavy cream without feeling ill the next day.

- Not exactly about gaining but hopefully I can also start dating a BBW, too. An actual, serious LTR with someone I could see myself marrying and to be the mother of my future children.

I don't really know how far I would like to go. This gaining thing, I've been taking it each day, week, and pound at a time. But so far, I like the changes and I would like to gain more. So far I love the additional mass and eating has only become more enjoyable.

The only real downside has been having to get more clothes, which aren't the cheapest. I really doubt I'd ever get large enough that I may have to invest in specialty office chairs, scales with a very high capacity, or custom automobiles.

Anyway, typing out all of this, I just realized I'm hungry. My stomach really needs to be filled up.
4 years

Experiences with eggnog

It's the holiday season, and what better time is there to drink a whole lot of eggnog?

I have just started drinking eggnog, in the hopes of getting a gallon down a day. Who here has tried gaining with eggnog before? Did it work?

I consider eggnog revolting, so I can't even get a sip down. But I didn't reply to put you down. If you like it, great! Just don't expect me to drink any if we're ever somehow in the same house. Ha ha!

I'm inclined to think half and half would be more effective. It's much easier to drink than cream, and you can drink more of it. Also, a gallon of half and half would be 5,120 calories.

I'm going to assume most can't drink a gallon of it every day, but a quart should be fairly easy.

Whole milk is 150 calories a cup, whereas half and half is 320 calories. Except it just tastes like creamier, fattier milk which it basically is. 10.5% vs. 3.5%.
4 years

Heavy cream and vitamin mix

In theory, it would be possible to synthesize a fattening concoction with the needed vitamins. I doubt it would be very fun, though.

I don't really know if you can make that out of ingredients and supplies that are easy for purchase for most folks though. Perhaps with certain varieties of weight gain powder mix.

I also don't really know if it could be made in such a way as to reduce health problems. Doesn't it also depend on the kind of sugar and carbs? Likely also depends on whether your family has a history of diabetes.
4 years


I'm not sure what you mean by "megastore."

I'm familiar with the terms "department store" or "big box store" (which may or may not have a bakery, produce department, and deli).

Wal-Mart appears to have the best priced heavy cream, and has good pricing on half and half, as well as many other things. But, you won't find much in the way of more specialty items. Their business model depends on items that are likely to have high turnover (e.g. sell fast) and sell in large volume.

Target may have slightly cheaper half and half, as well as sell things like Bio Oil and lactase pills (some report it helps digest large quantities of dairy and reduce gas, and if you're gaining, you're likely consuming a lot of dairy fat).

I'm not familiar with the likes of CostCo or Sam's Club; they want an annual fee before they're willing to sell you anything, and I don't have reason to believe they sell enough of the types of things I could use for any discounts to exceed the annual fee.

Around Dallas, there's a grocery store chain called Albertson's (same company as Jewel-Osco) but I don't understand how they stay in business. The selection is terrible and the pricing is high.
4 years

Who else is growing for the holidays?

I've been trying and I've gained some, but it's still a bit of a challenge. At my current size and appetite I sometimes have to make myself eat more, or do things like deliberately "topping off" and filling up say, an hour or two later.

Sometimes I wonder at what point I might transition from a pusher into "letting go," where the seal is broken and it becomes really easy to overeat and gain.

I kind of hope to be officially overweight by the end of January.
4 years

Vacation fattening!

My wife and I have a cruise coming up next week and I'm trying to maximize my gains as well. I've been binging on all of the leftover baked goods for the holidays and drinking heavy cream for the last two weeks. I'm hoping that it will stretch my stomach a bit and give me a larger capacity for stuffing.

I've already put on 3 lbs and we haven't even left yet šŸ˜….

If you can keep that up, it's gonna be insane.

On these all-inclusive vacations, you wouldn't have a care in the world. Should be easy to really eat and end up gaining at least a pound a day.

You might also have a residual additional gain after the vacation is over, too.

Are you going to pack some larger clothes? I think you might want to, just in case.
4 years

Giving birth while extremely obese

I wonder at what point you would consider a woman to be "extremely obese?" It's kind of a relative term.

I'm also interested in this since of course, one thing I would like to do is marry a fat woman, get her pregnant (at which point I get to watch her grow even larger), and have a family. I even have silly dreams of how a family vacation would mean piling our fat butts into the large SUV, or that during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, one turkey may not be enough. But I digress.

I just hope there won't be any serious complications. But, I think she would have to be extremely large so that's why I'm asking.
4 years

Should i get fat?

Might as well.

In the U.S., the average American white male, aged 20-59 is 5'9" and around 202 lbs (all males it's about 200) with around 70% considered to be overweight or obese. There's also little to no incentive for a man to be skinny and is more likely to be treated poorly.

If I'm not mistaken, the Canadians are nearly as big with a culture similar to the U.S.

I don't expect this to hinder your dating prospects, and in fact may improve them, especially when it comes to dating fat women, and most are also at least overweight also. Almost every happy couple I see with a fat woman usually has a big man.

So, you may as well overeat, indulge, eat more, and enjoy. If you're like most, you can't spend 20-40+ hours a week in the gym and being an Olympian isn't in your future and there's almost no jobs you won't still be able to do.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

i love cake:
However many slices are on two dominos pizzas

Too long, didn't read: Probably 8 slices, but it doesn't actually matter how many slices. The diameter of the pizza from which you can determine the surface area is what's important.

This is a mostly irrelevant question, since in theory you could cut a pizza into twice as many, or even dozens of slices. But then they would be so skinny, it's not going to be any fun.

Most pizza parlors that cut into triangle slices would cut into 8, or if large enough 12 slices. Others like to cut into squares, though I hate that because then it means some slices have no crust to hold on to (which will then double as a breadstick at the end).

A better question to ask, though I admit a bit more technical than the way most are likely used to thinking, is the surface area and thickness to calculate the volume of the pizza. Then you measure a fraction of that, if you are not yet able to eat the entire pizza. The number of slices it was originally cut into is mostly irrelevant, and you can always cut to taste.
4 years