Sugaring feedees: does "sugar feedees" are a thing?

In reference to your first post: I am not sure why you wonder about something like this?
Also why make everything about skin color?
3 years

Sugaring feedees: does "sugar feedees" are a thing?

Members only so you actually pay to talk to someone?
3 years

Tired of scammers

Guess I was brought up different because seeking sex online is just creepy because you have no idea who you are dealing with.
At least a hooker on the street you know what she or he is all about you pay to play so to speak.
I know these days you have guys and girls that have never been out of the house figuratively speaking and never dated or experienced being in a relationship.
They want sex but have no idea how to go about it so they ask online because thats all they know ie get it online.
This fetish has so much of a fantasy aspect is hard for some to ascertain a genuine person from a scammer out to do them harm.
The problem for many I would think is they are so desperate and needy they think this person won't be like the last one that screwed them over and they fall for the scammer again.
I trust very few people online/ real life and learned my lesson a long time ago to stay away from online sex related stuff.
3 years

Tired of scammers

Very possible.
If you sound needy scammers will take advantage of you.
3 years

Tired of scammers

If you are online looking for sex maybe you shouldn't be doing it if there are so many scammers out there.
If something isn't working the way you want it too why keep doing it?
3 years

Tips for first time gaining?

You should be aware there are people here that claim to be experts on gaining weight but they themselves aren't overweight.
I would be more apt to follow what a real overweight person or an active gainer suggests than someone that has no real world experience.
3 years

Tips for first time gaining?

I would suggest eating more at each meal.
You can snack in between meals too.
I was very skinny most of my life and hated it.
I had no curves to speak of and was super embarrassed about it.
3 years

We got a problem

Egos are a hard thing to deal with.
3 years

We got a problem

I was on Dims for years and found some really nice people there. I left when there was some kind of format change and I couldn't log back in.
Went to feabie when it first went active and only stayed for a month because it was like being back in high school.
All the cliques and really mean younger girls and their snarky attitudes made it unbearable.
All of the guys acted like they were between 12 and 18 wanting naked pics to fap to.
Most were really rude and demanding so I left.
I knew if I stayed I would get banned telling some 18 year old mod to kiss my butt.
3 years

We got a problem

I have been here for a good 13 years or so and I never got into the pay for play scenario to me it seemed kind of sleazy at the time.
The more I stayed I understood why some girls / web models would do that and it was for income so I couldn't knock them for doing that.
Its never been something I was interested in doing because I had a career already.
I have found guys don't read women's profiles and that gets to be a problem.
They assume you have a fetish or kink and want to do nothing but fat talk.
I tell them go read my profile it says I am not here for a hook up and I don't have any fetishes.
I am here to make friends as in people to talk with kind of friends.
I came here from a different fat acceptance site because some GFs on there asked me to come here and hang out with them.
I am just here to hang out with other fat folks.
3 years