Heavy cream is very sneaky

Does anyone know a good inexpensive milkshake recipe that could contain a whole quart of heavy cream?

Just add to your quart of cream a couple shots of some flavoring syrup like grenadine or torani. Then add one or two teaspoons of vanilla or almond extract.

I haven't been able to do this lately myself. It's quite good though.
6 years

Floating better as i gain

I wonder what floating in the Dead Sea weighing 450+ would be like. The very dense water there means even skinnies float high.
6 years

Long haul travel

I did a 6 hour flight a few years ago. And I bought my own seat belt extender before the trip. So I already had it with me and was buckled in so there was no questions to be asked. I didn�t have trouble with the table but the people in front didn�t lean back

What class seat? I'm 320 and 6'1" and I've had problems with those tables since I got up to 275. I've always flown coach/sardine class.
6 years

Heavy cream

I bet so! I did HC for a while early this year, not that much, but it did wonders on my belly. I can only imagine how it'll catch up with you in a few weeks lol

I've been sipping on half and half through out the day recently, my body eventually rejected HC (earlyer this year). I may try it again sometime soon. I LOVED how bloated it made me!

How much did you gain while drinking cream?
6 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

Done 2 and 7. Also, fitting into aircraft seats (depends on the craft and operator). I want to pop buttons and bust seams.
6 years

What are you wearing? what's your fav item of clothing?

I like maternity dresses. But since I am a straight male, I would never wear them in public. But they fit my shape the best.

Would maternity jeans be out of the question for wearing in public?
6 years

Weight gained since joining ff

I think I gained maybe fifty or sixty pounds since I joined. Much more recently did I actually start with the gainer tracking thingy.
6 years

Too many belly pics

A lot of us (me included) are too shy to show our faces in a weight-gain forum.
6 years

Calorie counting apps

Cronometer is the best one I�ve tried so far

Interesting, but I don't like the idea of having to create an account.
6 years

Calorie counting apps

I'm thinking of using a calorie counting Android app to track my calorie intake to make sure I'm eating enough to keep up a steady gain. I see an awful lot of them are focused on weight loss and include a lot of social crap I don't need. Would someone please suggest something good?
6 years