I want to get as large as possible in one night.

If you don't feel like you went as far as you would like, don't despair.

The very skinny often have a hard time getting started. It takes time to expand appetite and get your body used to a richer, more fattening diet.

Don't go to the point of throwing up, that defeats the purpose. But maybe do try something like having dessert if you normally don't, or eating a few extra bites. The feeling that you overate and the beginning of the feeling of slight discomfort is good, but don't make yourself sick.

If you keep up those small changes up for a long time, you will most likely find it's your new normal, and now you can try to expand on that.

Eventually, your body will get used to the additional calories and fatty food, and you will gain weight.

It's kind of a catch 22 at first but you can do it. I was once about 125 lbs at average height, now I'm only a few more pounds away from being officially overweight.

Keep an open mind about food and try new things, and switch it up so your taste palette doesn't get bored, but don't force yourself to eat or drink things you hate. This is why many folks add flavoring agents to cream, such as chocolate sauce.

Try to avoid going heavy on the fat until later in the day, before you may sleep. Fat is calorie dense but it's also filling, which could make you miss meals and snacking.

Also, and this depends on you because for some folks it may not work, but... there's a set amount of calories needed for you to not lose weight, usually around 2,000-2,500ish or so. So I would recommend counting calories to ensure you stay on track to overeat and gain. Don't despair if a given day isn't as impressive as you hoped, you'll have an impressive day eventually.

You can't always know calorie counts if everything you eat so just try to guessimate on the conservative side. e.g. Oh maybe that was 110ish? Count it as 100. Or sometimes just don't count it. Point is, just make sure you're overeating enough. I don't typically count alcoholic beverages in my calculations and estimates, for example.
4 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

My experience with it so far has been somewhat addicting. I rarely feel a sense of satisfaction unless I consume a LOT of calories, ideally at least 4,000. And the desire for the ability to eat more.

When I started, I took it slow.. that I wanted to see what 10 to 15 more would look and feel like.

But every time I either reached my goal or close, it hasn't seemed like enough.

I've also noticed that I actually enjoy eating more often than not now, ever since I gained weight. I now crave fattier (and ultimately more delicious) food, and some more of it than I used to. I eat dessert, candy, and other sweets more often now. This is fun, and I don't want to stop. Maybe when I feel more satisfied with my size I'll drink less cream and take it easier on the half & half, but I still crave triple patty burgers with bacon and I don't think I ever want to stop.

I also feel a sense of satisfaction each time I've added another inch to my thighs and elsewhere, or whenever I've graduated to a larger clothing size.

At first I was dismayed by the starter belly I've started to grow, but I think I've come to like it. I even find myself sometimes inadvertently rubbing it when no one is looking.

Of course, there's other motivating factors.

- When I started, I really was far too skinny.
- In the U.S., if you're a man it's better to be overweight or even slightly obese than it is to be skinny. Most folks have at least a little bit of soft flab around their midsections too. The average American white male, aged 20-59 is, as of this writing is 5'9", weighs about 202 lbs, and has a 40" waist or slightly larger.
- Most happy couples with a fat woman have a fat man, so gaining weight should improve my ability to date and ultimately marry a fat woman.
- Some women get self-conscious if she eats or orders much more food than her date, boyfriend, or husband. The heavier I get, the more I need to eat. Of course, this may just be an excuse for me to eat more and grow heavier.

My current goal is around 170, but I suspect I may not want to stop there. On some days I dream of weighing 220. At that point I would hopefully have a large, soft gut, thick arms great for hugging, and chunky, stout legs that I would feel confident showing off in shorts.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

About 4 slices on a large from Pizza Hut the last time I tried.

Eventually, I would like to be able to eat the entire large pizza in one sitting, without leftovers and without sharing. Unfortunately I'm not there yet.
4 years

Is it sinful to engage in feederism?

Nowadays, I would say no. If anything, it's something to be thankful for.

It's been said already that the original definition of gluttony rarely applies these days, at least in most developed countries. Where eating more prevented someone else from eating.

I do believe that "gluttony" continues to exist in a different forms, primarily in the form of severely increasing wealth and income inequality, approaching increasingly unsustainable levels, but this is off-topic and a subject for another time and place.

A new definition of gluttony exists, but it has been twisted. There's a perception of a lack of self control, but I don't believe that's common. But there's still a perception from some that some folks are larger because they lack self control when it comes to eating, are lazy, or other actually negative traits. But many attitudes persist even when facts don't support them.

The rise of the size acceptance movement, as well as the fact that average weights, BMI, and waistlines continue to expand is establishing a new normal and paradigm shift. However, old attitudes persist and slow to go away. The weight loss industry, and it's an actual industry (a frankly criminal industry at that) is probably in large part to blame for that. The fashion industry to a smaller degree as well, but it can and is adapting. They can simply use larger models while designing and manufacture larger clothing.

It's true there's many folks out there who are starving or food insecure, while there's also enormous food waste, but this is the result of structural problems, such as distribution networks and societal factors that have nothing to do with a more than sufficient food supply. Contributing factors to this:

- Food spoilage in transit that doesn't sufficiently protect the food, especially produce.
- Welfare recipients who don't have regular access to a motor vehicle or sufficiently decent public transit, and live in food deserts. So they're required to eat convenience store food, which is a poorer value for the food stamp or WIC program dollar.
- A few supermarket general managers who dump bleach or other toxic chemicals into dumpsters to prevent the homeless from dumpster diving for food waste, or ideally.. from the GM's point of view, the homeless man will eat it and die a horrible death. Fortunately this seems to be rare, as I will boycott any supermarket that I'm aware that does this.

If anything, it's those who eat large quantities of produce that are *not* locally grown, food that is not even close to fattening that are the new gluttons as they contribute much more to food waste.

In short, you may as well eat as much as you can. There's no reason to feel bad.
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Not sure if my wife is fattening me on purpose but I do know several times that I have accidentally packed on the lbs. and intentionally (secretive from her but to get a reaction from her) her meals had become more fattening and the plate sizes were huge not to mention serving me second and thirds on occasion even before I finished that plate....almost so I couldn't say No. Not that I would say No because not only was I trying to impress her but my appetite would get huge. One time I packed on 40+ Lbs. mostly all to my new huge gut and she didn't flinch or slow down any of the meals and portions they only seemed to get bigger and more fattening. She only commented on a couple occasions when we she was slightly intoxicated (teasing me).

That sounds pretty hot. Are you sure she isn't a feeder?
4 years

Vacation fattening!

It really depends on what kind of vacation it is.

Cruises and other kinds of all-inclusive vacations with unlimited buffets or other kinds of food can be a good opportunity.

If I knew I was going on one, I might try to prepare by near daily stuffings a week or two beforehand in an effort to expand appetite and capacity to really put it away. I'd also pack clothes in a size up just in case.

But given it's Thanksgiving on Thursday, I suspect what you mean is to visit family somewhere. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousin's place, etc. Hopefully there will be a lot of food there.

Carbs tend to digest a bit more quickly, so making a point to snack on cookies and other sweet baked goods 2-3 times an hour should be doable.

I find eggnog disgusting, and a waste of perfectly good heavy cream and eggs but if you do like it, might want to try having that later in the day, after dinner.

Booze is common at family gatherings, and on all-inclusive vacations. If you drink enough, I've read your body will prioritize metabolizing the alcohol. Alcoholic beverages by themselves don't have that many calories, so what's key is to make sure you eat and snack while you are drinking. This means calories you eat are more likely to end up as weight gain. Only you know your body.. when I drink I eat less, but some find it very easy to eat more.

I don't know if it's tradition for you to help prepare food, or if they usually purchase too many ingredients. If they do purchase too many ingredients, it's a sin to let it go to waste! This could mean you may be able to sneak a few gulps of cream and half & half.

Also remember that even if you ate a lot of solid food, you can typically still consume more liquids.

I hope you have stretchy, flowy dresses and stretchy skirts. Jeans are usually not stretchy, although more and more stretchy ones are available for sale. You'd want to avoid clothes that constrict your belly and make it more difficult to overeat.

I don't know if you participate in Black Friday shopping but if so, it'll be important to get snack and takeout food. Not only to keep your energy up, but it will help you expand while you're shopping for bigger clothes.

Regardless of anything else, before you sleep you should try to make sure your stomach is very full. That feeling where you felt like you really overate, but not to the point where you might throw up (that's not fun and also defeats the purpose). Ideally, you would also be tipsy to drunk.

I hope this helps.
4 years

You might be a gainer if............

Not all of these apply to everyone, but some of them almost certainly will.

Here's one.. when you go shopping for clothes, in an effort to save money you sometimes get the next size up, even if it's still a little loose, to accommodate your future expansion.

If you think about going on an all inclusive vacation of some sort, you pack extra clothes in a size up because the enabling of extra gluttony could very well result in significant weight gain, especially if it's 2 weeks or more.

Sometimes, you have food/portion size milestones you want to beat/pass/achieve. 3 slices of pizza in a sitting, then 4, then 6, then the entire pizza. You eat 2 triple burgers but want to be able to eat 3.

You sometimes dream about how much you'd like to eat, or wish you could eat.

Eventually you wonder if you may need a new desk chair, because the weight capacity may not continue to be sufficient.
4 years

What am i doing wrong?

I’m new here but I’m hoping I can get some constructive feedback. Two years ago I discovered my husbands feeding fetish. He is deeply closeted about it. I immediately got on board and have been a happy feedee ever since. No matter how encouraging, understanding, and enthusiastic I am, he still refuses to open up completely. The other day I was being a little extra, trying to get him in the mood (we are trying to get pregnant) and he made some heated comments that implied he doesn’t like how much I’ve become involved in his fetish. I mean I guess if he wants to keep that part of his sexuality to him individually, then I’m the one who needs to get over it. But I’m kind of hooked now and all I want to do is please him.

We don't know how old he is, how long he's been aware of this, personality, etc.

Another very important question is how exactly, did you learn this about him? This is a very pertinent question. There's a world of difference between going through his computer, mobile phone, and/or diary and confronting him, as opposed to somehow getting him to voluntarily talk about it with you. I also wonder how that conversation took place, how recent it was, whether he felt grilled and pressured, finally revealing it out of exasperation.

I also wonder if he perhaps still feels intense guilt, or self denial.

It took me a long time to admit this to myself. First that I really do very much prefer BBWs or folks who are becoming one, and later on, especially when they do so on purpose.

For now, I recommend trying to continue to be patient. Maybe he's still trying to come to terms with it, not the easiest thing to do.
4 years

What am i doing wrong?

Of course there is always that elephant in the room that might mean he is actually fattening someone else up secretly which may explain why he is not enthralled that you are into it also.

That seems a bit far fetched, doesn't it? Given how freakishly uncommon and nearly impossible it is to find anyone into this.

At this point I think the odds of finding anyone into this in person to be almost nil; akin to winning the state lottery jackpot prize.

Also, most feeders tend to be thrilled when anyone gains weight, especially on purpose, even though I expect the vast majority of them to be faithful.

So no, that's quite unlikely.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I've just started a pint of heavy cream before bed every night three days ago. I'm really curious to see what that's going to look like a week or so from now.

A pint of heavy cream has about 1600 calories. After 7 days that is VERY roughly 3.2 pounds’ worth of calories. So if your diet is otherwise balanced, that’s how much you can gain by adding the cream.

Wouldn't it be closer to 2.5 lbs?

Whether you can keep that up for 7 days in a row is another matter, though. I'm not judging anyone who can't, but I think most can't.

That estimate also seems posited on 3,500 excess calories being an extra pound. Whereas, a kilogram is 9,000 calories and thus, a pound would be 4,082.

Of course, you (or others) may say it's not that simple, and you would be right. Water retention, for one thing. But the human body also isn't going to be completely efficient. I think getting 80% of that would be very impressive.

Fat in general, though filling, is however very efficient in that regard. But this filling effect might prevent or discourage snacking that otherwise may have happened.

But after a certain point, if you go past your current capacity, some of it is discarded. A little TMI perhaps, but I think this may even change the color of your *ahem*... waste if you go overboard enough. It's why you can't drink oil (not that it would be very tasty!).

On the other hand, it seems that one's capacity likely increases, the heavier you get. I couldn't keep that up for a week, but some have said or claimed 10 days or even two weeks in a row.
4 years