Website notification: tiktok scammers


Please note that we have experienced an influx of registrations and users that have signed up due to the viral TikTok video about scamming members of the Feederism community for money.

You can see the video here:

As many of you know, the site is for non commercial use only and it is against site rules to advertise and solicit. Please stay vigilant and report anyone who is posting their information anywhere on the site. PLEASE be careful when speaking to members on and off site, and be aware of anyone asking for donations, or money for custom content.

FF Team
3 years

Can profile pic space be higher res?

Hi Eleena CoOwOe Pennandy,

Good question! I am actually a little uncertain of the max file size/ limit for avatars.

I will check this with the site owner and get back to you as soon as possible.

We may be able to increase the image size, again leave this one with me and we will get back to you soon.


FF Team
4 years

Profile issue: number of kids

Hi Nok,

Thanks for pointing this one out to us. I have logged this bug and will be fixed when we next get round to updating the profile section!

Thanks again!

FF Team
4 years

Women are so lucky to be stared at and so admired

As requested, this forum has now been locked. Some interesting points have been raised so we will leave the thread here for people to view if they so wish.

A polite reminder to everyone, to be respectful to each other and keep things on topic.


FF Team
4 years

Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Hi all,

Thanks ever so much for all the responses.

We have contacted you all to give you an update. If you haven't been chosen this time round, please don't be disheartened. There's always next time!

FF Team
4 years