Advice: encouraging bf/ talking to him about my kink?

This might make sense to us, who are into it. But it really isn't fair to fatten him up, if he's not into it. If he gains weight, it is most likely permanent. He's probably avoiding the subject, hoping it will go away. There is plenty information online if he is interested in learning.
7 years

How to gain on a crash diet?

Assuming you are at least 18, which is the minimum age to be on this site, you are an adult and your parents shouldn't decide what you should weigh.
7 years

I want to know how to get to 400 pounds im 221

There are a number of reasons to be fat and a number of reasons to be thin, but getting a GF is not one of them. There are women who like all different sizes. If you can't find anyone when you are thin or fat, it may either be bad luck, you're not looking in the right places, or something else that is turning them off.
7 years

The biggest woman in the room

Seems like ALL of the women in the room get attention, since there are so few of them.
7 years

My lady needs new clothes

It's her decision whether she gains or loses, and her decision to buy whatever clothes she wants.
7 years

Confused/depressed about this fetish

You can't worry what is "normal," only what you like. I pretty much get turned on only thinking about someone gaining weight.
7 years


People just have preferences. If someone prefers blondes, they don't try to figure out why.
7 years

How to encourage my wife to gain moe

You like your wife's growing belly and she hates it. MISMATCH! It's her body, not yours. And it is no fun being with someone who hates being fat. Either get used to being with a smaller woman (sounds like she wants to lose the belly she has) or find someone who enjoys being fat.
7 years

Feederism identity and attraction

I find gaining women attractive, but I don't want to gain. I find fat very feminine, and I don't want to be feminine. Also I am older, have HBP and diabetes, so I couldn't gain anyway. If anyone is going to gain, they should do it young.
7 years

Girlfriend wants to get immobile

That is hundreds of pounds more than the fattest woman on record, so that is not a reasonable goal. It might be a nice fantasy to be immobile, but do you really want to marry someone who will need someone to bathe and clean her, and change her diapers? Not having children, not going anywhere in public?
7 years