Feeder restaurant server

Oh yes, that totally happened!
4 years

For those who started off skinny

For those who started off skinny, what did the sensation of growing a belly for the first time feel like? Did you just wake up suddenly fatter, or did it look like you bloated up but the bloat didn't go down? How did it feel different than a bloat?

I'm not sure I fully understand the question. The most you can possibly gain in a day is probably around 0.5-1 lb, and you can't quite keep up a pace of 1 lb a day, day after day. So you can't wake up suddenly a whole lot heavier.

But at some point, I suppose you do start to discover that you're developing a more substantial gut. You look in the mirror and then, wow.

It feels different when you feel it in your hands and you haven't even stuffed yourself, or even had much to eat just yet.

I'm not even technically overweight yet, but I'm close.
4 years

Thoughts on fattening without permission

Don't be a "Kyle"!

Sometimes it feels like that's exactly what many here want to have.

A few times when I've tried to talk to some folks on here, they seemed to clam up when I try to ask them things about life, things they find fun (besides eating), and so on.

This is strictly anecdotal, and shouldn't be interpreted as a blanket statement. However, it's frustrating. The fact I like big women, or the fact I'm also trying to gain a little weight myself, is only a small part of me.

Gaining won't last forever, but hopefully the relationship (whether friends or romantic) does.
4 years

Teacher weight gain

So anyone here have any interesting subjects on their teachers gaining weight during the holidays

This isn't exactly over a single holiday season, but one I met again a few years later.

In high school, I remember a teacher I once had, and I guess she was new that year. Initially, I didn't think much of it. I never really spoke to any of my high school teachers outside of business, and when I left, I couldn't get away fast enough. Later, I forgot about most of them. I'm also convinced that anyone who willingly, even prefers teaching at the high school level is mentally ill and insane, but that's a topic and stories for another time.

However, I did see her at a bar a few years later, and it appears she gained a considerable amount of weight. It must have been at least 50 lbs, since if it was 20, I'm not sure if I would have noticed with staring to the point of being almost creepy.

That's where the story ends. I didn't ask if she had a kid, how her overall life is doing, or if she even worked at that school anymore. Just said "hello" and that's about it; I had nothing to say to her. Or for that matter, any current or former high school teacher who taught at that level willingly (as opposed to desperation and those were the only such teaching jobs available). Such a turn off.

There were no other such stories from my college days, and they were teachers I may have talked to again for one reason or another. The thinner ones remained as such, and that fat ones stayed the same amount of fat.

In a similar vein, when in college I once did meet a college student who gained from 125ish to 175ish in about a year, and she seemed completely unashamed of this and not the least bit apologetic. She also had what seemed like a lot of frozen pizza in the fridge, though that alone isn't going to explain the gain. I only noticed the pizza in the fridge because of a house party that was at her place.

Unfortunately, she was also an unpleasant individual and didn't like me, which meant there was no potential for me to try starting a relationship. Instead, I had nothing to do with her. That was the only individual I met in person who both gained a considerable amount of weight, even mentioned the weight, and wasn't apologetic.
4 years

Preference change

Has anyone's preferences changed whenever it came to their partners physic? I just to think I was only into larger men, however, lately I've found myself enjoying my friends smaller body rather pleasing. Is this a common thing?

Kind of. It's been a slow process, but so far it seems that the older I get, the bigger and heavier I would like her to be.

It's not a hard and fast rule, but I know I will be quite disappointed if she doesn't weigh at least 200 lbs and is solidly plus size. When I was a teenager, I would have been content if she had probably 25 extra pounds for just that slight little bit of extra thickness.

However, I think it's due, at least in large part to the amount of self denial I had to overcome from that time, and even into my early 20s. That I really do prefer big women, and I don't mean a size 10 or 12. So I'm not sure if anything really changed at all.

There was also considerably less size acceptance in general around that time, so it seemed harder. Stores didn't have any plus size mannequins, and fewer clothing brands had sizes above 12.

Nowadays, there's so many fat people that it doesn't stick out anymore. There is no real shame. It's the bone skinny who stick out now.
4 years

Bf's belly

He's definitely got a belly forming and I enjoy when he wears shirts that'll show the progression.

You say he's not your type, but are you sure?

You seem to be paying a fair bit of attention to his body. Not saying you should be a homewrecker though; that's bad.

Is his girlfriend/wife an FFA as well, or perhaps a BBW?

It's a pretty well known fact that being in an LTR with a fat woman is likely to be a fattening experience, unless he's already fat. So if she's fat, there's a good chance he'll continue to expand and get even fatter.
4 years

Feedees: why get fat?

1, 2, 3, and 6.

1. Fattening food is often the most delicious, so of course I want it.

2. I love eating more. When I eat more food, so I can gain more enjoyment from the taste. When I start to get full I actually get a little disappointed, because I'd like to eat more. Creamy shakes are also quite delicious.

3. For a long time I was far too thin, and I had a really weak appetite. For a long time I lacked the courage to change this, but after gaining some weight I like it. I want to gain some more.

I'm also trying to increase my appetite so I can eat more in one sitting.

Curiously enough, I feel more manly, bolder, and more confident with the weight I've gained. Most men are overweight, and the average white man in the U.S. now weighs 200 lbs. So it's better if you can weigh closer to there, or more. There's no discernible advantage to being a skinny man.

If you look too athletic like a Chippendale (I never did, I just mean in general), I figure this means you live in the gym, which means you probably don't have a job.

4. I know that what was meant by this was hating a restricted diet that consists of boring, tasteless food that doesn't satisfy, in an attempt to lose weight. I have never attempted such a diet, but I hate the thought of it.

However, diet just means what you eat. I for one love having a diet that consists of fattening, savoy, tasty foods and more of them.

5. This doesn't yet apply, I'm single.

6. Hell yes it has been erotic. I actually get slightly turned on when I overeat. I try to count calories and it's hot when I know I have went past the requirements, which means each extra bite, every morsel, every gulp will, in whatever small way, cause me to expand and grow heavier. To feel bolder and more confident.

7. It really does look better. Skinny women look more frail, whether they are or not. I really do prefer some meat. Gaining enough weight will also make it easier for me to get a larger woman.
4 years

What makes heavy cream have its effects?

Are you saying 36% of your Daily Value? A tablespoon of US heavy whipping cream is 50cal total. And 100% of the 50cal are coming from fat, There are zero carbs or protein content, it's pure fat:

(snipped out the image because I hate it when folks on message boards quote images, making the thread longer for no good purpose)

Good point on the slow digestion, though. Whenever I've cooked with it, my wife gets so full and doesn't end up snacking all night like she typically does. It's one of the reasons why it's used in Keto diets to actually lose weight.

Oh no... 36% of the weight is dairy fat. The rest is water, I think. But you are right in the sense that 100% of cream's calories is because of the fat.

Link to Wikipedia that has a table of various liquid dairy products and the milkfat content for each to be marketed as such:


Though of the five items listed on that table, the only products I've seen for sale are half and half and heavy whipping cream.

If you scroll up a little bit on that link, you'll see a similar table for the UK.

As mandated by the FDA, the Roese-Gottlieb method appears to be used to determine milkfat content in the U.S., where it measures by weight. I'm not sure what method the UK uses. The correct section of the Food Labelling Regulations of 1998 in the UK is not immediately apparent, and I don't currently have time to read the entire thing.

The following link describes the Roese-Gottlieb method:

4 years

What makes heavy cream have its effects?

just wondering...

It's one of the only foods that is 100% pure fat. 110 cal per ounce, 110 calories from fat.

And fat is 9cal per gram while carbs (sugar) and protein are only 4 cal per gram.

So a gram of fat is over twice as fattening. Yes sweets and chips are calorie dense, but pure fat blows it out of the water.

And unlike butter, because heavy cream is a liquid, it's much more versatile and ingestible in drinks and sauces.

What? Heavy cream in the U.S. is typically 36% fat, though yes it's 100 calories for every fluid ounce.

There's something called manufacturing cream, which is 40% and 120 calories for every fluid ounce, but I don't know of any shops that sell it.

In the UK and much (all?) of the EU, there's something called "double" cream, which is 48% but so far as I know, isn't available anywhere in North America. It's also the most calorie dense substance that's still a liquid and sort of drinkable. Oil isn't drinkable.

It's also important to note that fat can take longer to digest. It's one reason I tell folks to go high on the fat in the evening, so they can sleep it off. If you have a lot of fat in the morning, this may cause you to snack less and cause fewer calories to be consumed.

While it's true that fat is indeed more calorie dense per gram than carbs, it's not as simple as that.

I'm almost convinced that most fatties into feederism know almost as much about nutrition as a dietician or nutritionist, as they often study how to fatten up, or fatten others up the most effectively.
4 years

What i expect from heavy cream?

I'm surprised you've kept that up so far for 3 whole days.

Most folks can't manage a quart day after day, every day. Or, they have to build up to it. Myself, I find it difficult to drink more than a pint. But, you are starting off larger which may be part of it. I've found that after gaining about 30 lbs, a pint of cream goes down easier than it did before.

If you really can keep that up every day for 3 weeks, I expect a slow gain for the first week, and then you will really blow up and gain a significant amount of weight. There's another thread here that talks about a delay effect.

There have also been many anecdotal reports regarding how dairy fat has a more significant effect on your limbs and your ass, than your abdomen. While this does depend on genetics, I expect you to thicken all over. If you have a thigh gap, you will have either a much smaller thigh gap or it will be completely gone.

Some have also reported developing almost an addiction to the cream. More psychological though, no physical withdrawal symptoms.

Sometimes really do look forward to drinking one of my heavy cream shakes after making myself full from dinner, which takes some more food than before. It's to the point that I make sure there's always cream I can drink, which lately I've been trying to do 3-4 times a week.

If your clothes are already tight now, I think you should go shopping for new clothes now, before it's too late. I would expect that you will soon find yourself with an extra couple inches around your waist, ass, and thighs, and at least another inch around your arms.

The recipe for my heavy cream shake is so simple, it isn't really a shake but it's basically the recipe for chocolate fondue. 1 pint of cream to half a cup of chocolate sauce, like Ghirardelli. Or 4 parts cream to 1 part chocolate sauce. Mix with a straw that you will later use to drink it. If you like milkshakes, I think you will love this, except it's over twice as fattening.

If you find the chocolate sauce hard to mix, as you might if you store the leftover sauce in the fridge, microwave it for about 25 seconds before you mix in the cream.
4 years