Would you like to be a fantasy feeder moderator?

Hi all,

We are currently looking for some new moderators to join our team!

If you are able to log onto the site multiple times a week, and fancy helping out we would love to hear from you!

As a moderator, you would be checking sections of the site, reporting and dealing with members / scammers. Monitoring forums and help to resolve disputes in chat. This all helps the site run as smoothly as possible.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in. Leave a quick comment below and we will be in touch!


FF Team
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

That all said though, it might not be a bad idea to have a different set of filter options for properly subscribed members, such as an option to ignore what content is premium rather than having it overwhelm the front pages. I mean, my understanding is that premium content only gets paid if an unsubscribed member subscribes in order to view it. What then is the point of advertising it to already-subscribed members?

Story authors get commission for new content, and for repeat subscriptions. A lot of our authors update there stories weekly rather than uploading a completed story in one go. So it is important to still have these premium stories visible.

I would like to state that, the premium stories are not advertisements. It was a comparison. As in, when you scroll through facebook and google ad's recommends that hat you've been looking to buy for 2 weeks. Do you feel compelled to buy it or do you just ignore it and carry on with what you are doing?

You can change the sort by settings on the search form to 5 other settings other than recommended. To get the newest stories, and filter out some of the premium simply change it from 'recommended' and you will see the listings change. If you have cookies enabled, this search will also save so next time you visit the page it will come up with 'newest first' or whatever sort by setting you choose. Which will bypass the recommended results every time, filtering out a lot of the premium content.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Someone compared the paid stories to ads. No. Just no. I have to scroll through stories that aren’t worth it to pay for to find ones that are free. Ads on GOOD websites are off to the side and non intrusive.

Either get a better payment plan for stories or move em off to the side so people don’t feel pressured to be ripped off to read a decent story.

One of the best stories on here is Too Big to Handle, one of the best I’ve ever read actually. Not worth $10 a month still.

Why don't you try using the search filter to change how the stories are displayed. If you simply change the 'sort by section on the search form to *newest* then you don't get the recommended search results, which includes a lot of premium content. It might be a better way for you to filter through this section.

I'd also advise you to follow the free / and your favourite story authors so that you get notifications when something new is updated or added to this section. Again this would stop you having to scroll through as much.

The premium content is not there to pressure people into subscribing... For someone like yourself it may not be worth it. But for many of our members, unlimited views for stories, pics, videos and all premium content is a great deal. You get more content for your buck, and the content is regularly updated every single month. It literally works out as 33¢ a day for all existing content and all future content that's uploaded here.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?


Fantasy Feeder do not mark the stories as premium. This is a decision made by the content creators and authors on the site.

If you upgrade to view a premium story, pic, or video. Then the content creator gets commission for this.

A lot of stories are free to read, and some of the authors who post premium content post free stories as well. A lot of effort goes into writing fat fiction, and we think it is only fair that the authors get something for their hard work.


FF Team
4 years



Just wanted to respond to this and your comments in the other thread 'pic charges' which I have removed just to keep things simple and in one place.

Your comments on the 'pic charges' thread are below just so there is a record:

Well been a member 14 yrs and all pics require money...My earlier comment went poof so lol

I have no idea what is happening loll There must be a total of views or something which triggers. Very sorry complaining Brain Fart!

So firstly, there is a picture viewing limit for members who have not upgraded. This has been in place since forever and the viewing limit is 25 pictures in 24 hours.

We are always looking to improve things, and recently we have removed the viewing limit on videos so you can watch as many as you want, whenever you want, even if you have not upgraded. We hope to expand this across to the picture section at some point.

The premium content *paid for content* that you see is from the members of this site who have earnings accounts. This was something put in place by Fantasy Feeder around 18 months ago. We wanted to give something back to our content uploaders, so members with an earnings account will earn commission when someone upgrade to view their content.

The earnings account members are just regular users that still use Fantasy Feeder socially. Absolutely anyone can apply for an earnings account, as long as they are already a member of the site.

When you upgrade with the Fantasy or Combined packages. You get access to every single piece of content on the website. Stories, pics, and videos! This includes all premium content, all free content, with no viewing restrictions or limits. With new content being uploaded everyday, and access to not just one model or one video like other sites services. You get access to ALL content from every single one of our gorgeous and talented members... So we think it's pretty good value for your moolah!

Hope this helps.

FF Team
4 years