Gaining again?

I like the idea of pros and cons, and will probably do it. However, before I have even started making that list, full on pigging out has taken hold of me. I feel like a junkie, and food is my drug of choice. Getting fat again seems to be winning. On Thursday I had nearly 5000 calories. I didn't count yesterday, but it was more than 3000 for sure. I'm already at 1500 today. The beast had been unleashed.

I am so tempted to go for 200. And with how much I'm eating, I'm sure it won't take long. Maybe I'll re-evaluate then...maybe.

Seems like you've already made your choice, my friend. At least you know what weight you are no longer comfortable at. Why not gain until you get to that point and then reassess?
2 years

Gaining again?

Make a table, and write a list of pros and cons. No one can choose for you, but this should help you make it for yourself.

Also, there's nothing wrong with the occasional stuffing session. I'm not actively gaining. In fact, my weight has been stable for some time, and I have no interest in putting on more. But from time to time, it's nice, just full of delicious food.
2 years

Stuffing aftercare?

After a stuffing session, I like to heap on the praise. Tell him how happy I am with him. How well he did for me. This is especially important if I made him go hard or I was particularly mean. Just make him feel warm and fuzzy until the inevitable food coma takes him.
2 years

Mutual gaining vs. body contrast

Most of y'all are sleeping on the muscular-fat contrast. Muscular-fat contrast, in my opinion, is the most erotic contrast of them all.

Consider the following:

Muscular partner eats a lot - perhaps as much as the fat partner. It could be a fun challenger for the fat partner to eat more. Or have occasional stuffing sessions with the muscular partner who will turn either burn it off or get more muscular later.

Fat partner is muscular partner's living weight. The fatter the fat partner gets, the stronger the muscular partner becomes.

Fat partner getting so big and heavy that they need the muscular partner to help them up, hold their belly when it gets too heavy, move it out the way during sex, etc.

It's practical and sexy.
2 years

What is it about feederism that turns you on?

I'm fairly new to the feederism world my ex introduced me . I was always taught fat was ugly and spent my life dieting and exercising. This is the exact opposite and personally I don't find huge sexy . My ex thought the bigger the better.

I'm an FFA and a dom feeder. I love it when a man gains weight under my care. It's two fold for me. I love the look, and I love doting on people. Every bit of flab is proof of my affection.

That's wonderful you are one of kind. Whoever gets to be your man is really lucky

Aw, thank you.
2 years

Which option do you prefer to read?

It depends on my mood. If I want to be entertained, I want a story. If I want to get off, give me the me the smut.

I will say this. The best weight gain stories I have read are the ones that properly weave the story with the kink. I have seen a lot of stories that feel like they are telling two unrelated stories at once. The kink should enhance the story and vice versa.
2 years

Writing advice and how to tackle weight gain

I'm wanting to get back to adding to my story here

was just wondering if anyone had advice for writing and tackling weight gain?

I always keep at least three things in mind when I write: the start, the end, and the general flow. I'm a firm believer of letting the story go where it wants. I can't tell you how many time I had a plan, but as I wrote the story, I realized doing something different would be better. This goes for any kind of story.

For the weight gain part, it helps to have references. I can't tell you how many stories I've read where the writer has no idea about basic anatomy. For example, thinking a woman is super fat when they are 5'7" and 150 pounds.

On the flip side, don't be that writer who has a precise image in their heads and dictates that image to the audience. Don't give the proportions unless it makes narrative sense to do that, and accept that your reader will not imagine this character the exact way you do. Always show, don't tell.
2 years

How do i become a better feedee?

Captain Cake:
I've been working hard on trying to become a feeder's dream. My appetite improves constantly, I've trained myself to do everyday things in ways that require the least effort to the point that they're just my automatic behaviours, and I have a career and interests that mean I can achieve everything I want to do in life from the comfort of my bed. What else can I work on to become more desirable to serious feeders? Do any feeders out there have any tips?

If you want to be a better feedee to your feeder, then talk to him. Find out what he likes or doesn't like. See if there are any fantasies he wants to try. Tell him about what you want to try too. Stuff like that.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Went from 115 to 168 at 5'7". Not interested in gainer more because I feel happy with how I look now.
2 years

What is it about feederism that turns you on?

I'm fairly new to the feederism world my ex introduced me . I was always taught fat was ugly and spent my life dieting and exercising. This is the exact opposite and personally I don't find huge sexy . My ex thought the bigger the better.

I'm an FFA and a dom feeder. I love it when a man gains weight under my care. It's two fold for me. I love the look, and I love doting on people. Every bit of flab is proof of my affection.
2 years