Motivation by very fat people. need advice.

Any chance of moving somewhere with more opportunities? It seems like better work might make some of your dreams more feasible?

And as said it sounds like at the least she likes you fat. Perhaps after the wedding you can joke about finally getting off your wedding diet (even though you didn't lose any). See how she responds?

Neither of us are keen on moving to the nearest big city. I had some contract computer work there a couple weeks ago and the experience of being there was agony. The work was fine. Just being in the city was horrible. I just don't function well in crowded places or big cities.
6 years

Recent weight gain

Apologies if this is TMI, but.......

My husband and feedee has now gained enough that my picture is an accurate representation of us! His belly has grown by 21" in the past 2 years and he looks and feels incredible. We're both thrilled and excited for future gains smiley

How many pounds did he gain over those two years? Him expanding his belly by almost two feet has me very inspired.
6 years

Actively gaining

I don't allow soda or weight gain supplements in the house and he's no longer allowed to drink beer, but when I fattened up my husband I encouraged him to eat and cook as much as possible. He's gained an incredible amount of weight in the past couple years without either of these things, but he eats like you wouldn't believe. Also, though not specifically a supplement I have engineered a drink for him which "helped."
I think focusing on habits is the most effective, as once you adopt these you're more likely to put on weight.

What is this drink's recipe?
6 years

Anyone remember maus mix?

Does anyone here remember Maus Mix?
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

I've revised my desired weight to around 650 pounds... roughly twice what I weigh now.
6 years

Body question

I used to be your height and weight. I now weigh around 325 pounds and am trying to keep getting fatter. I think I gained 25 pounds from my 140 starting point before anyone noticed.
6 years

Summer gains

Nice work. I'd love to get back to that sort of a gaining rate. Get enormous!
6 years

Motivation by very fat people. need advice.

Going to a movie a few days ago, I saw a woman sitting in the theater lobby. She had to be at least 500 pounds with an enormous belly. When I got into the actual theater, I noticed why she might have been there. The seats are damned small! At 325 pounds or so, I'm finally almost too fat for that theater!

Anyhow, that very fat woman triggered a latent desire to be a SSBBW, though I am male. I won't transition because I have a wonderful fiancée and want children of my own. She also triggered a more realistic desire to become a SSBHM with the assistance of my soon-to-be wife. We recently started having sex, without much success. She too is fat, at around 230, which I enjoy.

My thoughts keep going to getting huge. She accepts my fatness and knows I want to get fatter, but with our latest lovemaking, she shook my belly and said that it was getting in the way and that's why I couldn't keep up an erection. At the same time, she cautioned that she's not in any way suggesting I lose weight.

After I got a scale that really works, I revised my weight down 10 pounds to 325. I very much want to get back to gaining. I want to gain from 7 to 10 pounds a month - fast enough to regularly outgrow clothes. I'm now not sure how fat I want to get, maybe just past 500 pounds or however fat the woman in the theater lobby was.

How can I bring my fiancée around to helping me (or maybe both of us) to get super-fat? All I've told her on the subject is "I wouldn't mind getting fatter". Complicating matters is that I'm in an ill-paying wretched job not in my chosen field of computer science and am having a hard time finding something better in this small town I live in. This takes a toll on my self esteem and overall happiness.
6 years

Pop tarts

Use them to make ice cream sandwiches.
6 years

Consensual brainwashing.

I'd like to find hypnosis audio files for gaining and stuffing spoken by a woman.
6 years